Chapter 24 The Rules of War

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Hey guys! Author back once more.

I need to get to updating this more. Geez. I'm sorry for the huge gaps between chapters.

Anyway, last chapter was short and kinda simple so, no real need for a recap.

So, without further adieu, let's get to it!



I get up and stretch after a long nap. I have been pretty inactive for the past few days. I just go to school, work with the Justice League and work on the team that Harley has gotten together for me.

We've been working on getting them to work together, because some of them just refuse to get along. in the team is Harley, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Outlaws Artemis, and Enchantress. I don't really know the last two, but they are the ones I'm having the most trouble with.

I walk into the main room of my apartment and find Endless taking some cheese from the fridge. I roll my eyes and head for the couch to watch some tv. I have a break today, so I am making the most of it. I kick up my feet and flip through the channels. I find nothing I want to watch, so I just get on Netflix and watch through Star Wars the Clone Wars.

I hear a knock on the door, so I get up to answer.

"Comin'." I say as I get to the door.

I open it and find Evie standing on the other side. She smiles wraps her arms around me, and kisses my cheek. "Hi."

"Hi Evie." I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. "How are you?"

"Good. Just thought I'd come over to see you." She says as she takes my hand.

We walk over to the couch and I take a seat. Evie sits on my lap and snuggles into me. I roll my eyes and hold her close. She nuzzles into my shoulder and lightly kisses my cheek.

"You need something?" I ask and kiss her back.

"Just some attention." She smiles and snuggles into me.

I smile back. "You want to watch anything?"

"I'll see what's on." She says and takes the remote.

She gets off Netflix and flips through the channels. While flipping she lands on a news channel that catches our attention.

"Today, marks the first anniversary of the battle of Athens, Georgia. Where US forces recaptured and held the city. Leading to a string of victories all over the United States."

I look down a bit, remembering vividly what happened during the battle. I feel Evie's hand on my cheek and it lightly lift my head. She plants her lips on mine. She lightly adjusts herself on my lap and slips her tongue in. I pull back and look at her.

She looks into my eyes and cups my cheek. I lay my head against hers and feel a tear roll down my cheek. She leans against me and holds me tightly.

That is where I was forced to truely learn the unwritten rules of war.

Flashback One Year prior...

It had been a very long campaign. Cities were falling left and right. We threw up on weak defense after another. But now, the Russians had spread themselves to thin. We were going on the offensive. The Ghosts had been attached to Easy Company of the 101st Airborne Division. Along side us was an armor division and another full company of Airborne.

I was going through one last equipment checklist when Gab came up to me.

"Corporal." He says to get my attention.

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