Chapter 23 Stars

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Hey guys, author here once more.

Sorry for the big gaps in writing. Kinda staying on the down low while the whole thing that made me stop writing in the first place blow over. Plus I've been trying to enjoy what little summer I get.

I'll probably be on more of a roll when school starts up again.

Anyway, quick recap time.

We helped Hannah (Sid's now ex girlfriend) feel a little better after she got dumped. Then we got interviewed by Louis Lane and saved her from Captain Cold and Killer Frost.

That's about it.

Anyway, without further adieu, let's get to it.


Your POV

I appear in my apartment and fall face first into my couch. I am tired from today. Today has just been one of those days that have tired me out. I shut my eyes for a bit.

"Thinking I'll just skip dinner today." I say to myself. "I'm too tired to try and make anything."

I was starting to drift off to sleep when...

Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee-

My com link goes off and I answer it.

"Yeah?" I say flatly.

"Ghost? This is Robin. We have a situation here." Robin says on the other side.

"What is it?" I ask, planning to ask him on asking someone else if I'm not really needed.

"It's Deathstroke. He is meeting with another man in some kind of military uniform."

I shoot up.


"Right. Where are you?" I get up and stretch. 

"We are outside of town right now." 

"I'll be there in a bit." I reply.

I hang up and quickly head to my fridge. I grab a Pepsi and chug it before teleporting to Robin and the Titans.

"I'm here." I rub my eyes to stay awake.

"Tired there buddy?" Cyborg asks.

"A little." I say. "It's been a long day."

I turn toward where I assumed Deathstroke and The Fox would be to see them staring right at us. I draw my pistol and my knife and stand at the ready.

"They know we are here guys. Ready to fight?" I say in a calm voice.

"You know it." Robin says.

"Count me in." Cyborg takes out his laser arm.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." Ravin says.

"I am ready." Starfire shouts.

"You guys focus on Deathstroke." I glare at the Fox, "The other one is mine."

"Are you sure about that Ghost?" Robin asks. 'Isn't that risky?'

"Yeah." I say. 

'I'm the only one that can even put a scratch on him after all.' I think.

I take a few steps forward and charge forward. Fox takes out his knife and blocks mine.

"Forgetting something?" I say, aiming my pistol and him and pulling the trigger.

He teleports a short distance away. I aim and pull the trigger again. He dodges it and I teleport closer. I put the pistol right in his face and pull the trigger. He barely dodges it. I start getting a little ticked off at this and shoot a full clip, trying to hit him at least once. I miss all of them. In blind rage, I drop my pistol into it's holster and grab my tomahawk. 

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