It feels nice anyway, to finally have someone to call Mother. It's been a while.

Jungkook snaps out of it and guides us to sit down at the dining table, "Aera slept all day, she slept more than she went out. We did go paragliding though, she almost lost her ring doing that."

I sit down with red on my cheeks. So much for making an impression. Miss Jeon didn't seem to mind when she let out a laugh.

"Thank you kids for visiting me, it's been getting lonely here," She spoke while pouring warm water into our cups. Jungkook's looking at her with a worried expression.

"I've been thinking of hiring one or two maids, just for friends," Miss Jeon shrugged. I tried to hide the shock from my face. Imagine being rich enough to buy friends.

"You should," My husband urged. "We'll need more help around here too. Aera and I actually came here to tell you something."

I quickly clasped my hands together underneath the table, just so that I can squeeze them tightly when Jungkook lets her know the news. He then tears my hands apart so he could intertwine our fingers. Jungkook's just as nervous, I realize, when I wince at his grip.

"Aera's pregnant, Mother."

I don't know why we're so nervous, she was the one begging for a child just a month ago. Of course she'd be supportive.

I've never seen her face so alive with happiness before.

Miss Jeon puts her hands over her mouth, but it doesn't cover the smile that reached her eyes, "I'm going to be a grandmother?"

"I'm actually already one month pregnant," I tell her, and it makes her even happier. I never knew she could be this happy.

It looks good on her, to say the least.


"Your Mother's thrilled," I laughed as Jungkook and I walked into his childhood bedroom.

Everything's the same as it was the last time I saw it.

"Wow," I sit myself down on his bed, looking around to really take in everything surrounding me, "This brings back some memories."

Jungkook stopped before his bookshelf and picked up the picture frame resting on it. It should be Bangtan's group picture, if my memory hasn't failed me. He looks at it in silence for a few seconds before setting it back down and chuckling a little, "I remember when I used to sneak you in here."

We'd lay on the bed together. He'd talk about everything wrong with his family. He went from everything that made him angry, to everything that made him happy. Jungkook always had so much to say, and I'd simply listen.

I remember especially the time when he allowed Lana over. He was genuinely happy to see her, she wasn't a nuisance at all. Jungkook had Lana in his arms, and he looked at her like she was his own family. I remember thinking that very moment as he was playing with Lana, that that was the most attractive thing he's ever done. Just being accepting and as warm as he is. It's still my favourite thing about him.

He's more than just the love of my life. Jungkook was the first person that I willingly opened up to about my life, and he was also the first person that accepted me with open arms regardless of it all. I won't let myself forget that.

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