19: 爭

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"It's my fucking life! Stop trying to take it away from me!"

I've never heard Jungkook shout before, and I sure hope I never have to again.

"Remember who you are. You are my son, you are made for this, made to become my heir. We already have the money for them, once they get rid of the photos, you're to cut her off. She's no good for you."

"No good because what, because she's not Haeyoung? Because she's not a daughter of your business partner? I'm so sick, utterly sick of you two playing around with my life like it's some fucking game. Haeyoung is gone, and I thought maybe after that you'd know what not to do."

"Don't pull out Haeyoung's name like that. That was on you. Haeyoung died because of you, you killed her."

This isn't what you tell your own child, you do not tell them that they are responsible for the death of another, you do not point fingers and call them a murderer. I'm no expert but this family is so wrong, in so many ways.
It pains me that this is the environment that Jungkook's been growing up in.

"You know that's not fucking true. The constant pressure from the media, from you. I'm not trying to paint myself innocent but you're no saint. If you didn't force us together none of this would've happened."

Jungkook told me to trust him, and went downstairs to face his parents alone. Truthfully i'm more worried than Jungkook would wish for me to be. I want to go down there are fight with him, fight for our relationship. But I manage to keep myself on the bed, because this is much larger than our relationship. This is a fight for his own voice, his own rights, to be who he wants, to be with who he wants.

"It's either your girlfriend or us, Jungkook. Her or this company."

"I never wanted the fucking job, never wanted to be your dumb heir. I just want to be a normal kid with normal loving parents."

Every time he says things like this my heart cracks a little.

Different from my reaction, his father remains cold, "You're choosing her over us? Us who raised you? What happens then, when you don't have our support? When we don't hand them the money? When they start spreading the photos? How sure are you, that you can come back up from this scandal?"

"This isn't a fucking 'scandal', this is my life. And frankly, I don't care what the media puts out anymore, I don't fucking care.And I don't care if you don't want to support me anymore. I don't need your bullshit."

"Where did this girl come from? No parents? No guardian? Illegally renting an apartment and attending school? You'll be done, my son. Choose wisely. Nothing will be normal after the news about you two goes out."

I hear footsteps going up the stairs, but no more words were exchanged.

Until a barely audible voice breaks through the silence, "She's the only 'normal' thing in my life right now. You can take away all of that you want, but don't touch her."

Moments later the bedroom door creeks open. I get up to hide, but then stop myself in my tracks after realizing it was only Jungkook.

His hair is no longer in its normal organized state, and his eyes are bloodshot with dry tears trailing down his cheeks. His eyes are like daggers, but once the door closed behind him his gaze falls weakly to the ground.

"You okay?" I manage to squeak out, and instead of giving me a verbal reply he collapses onto me, sobbing.

With shaking hands, I reach up to pat his hair as his arms strangled my waist. I'd tell him to loosen the grip, but i know he can't help it. He's fucking hundred percent muscle-that and he's in too much emotional pain to stop himself.


My parents won't actually let me go on my own, that's why I had the guts to fight with them. They need me just as much as I need them. I know they will still give them their money, even if I tell them not to.

But it scares me, because I know exactly what they'll try to do:

Take Aera away from me. Or worse, they'll hurt her. If I refuse to let her go, she'll get hurt.

What's brewing inside me is much more than just fear.

Her life is only starting to steady down, I don't want to be the reason of her pain.

"I should get you home. Your sister might get worried." I pulled myself away from her and she reached her hand to my face and wiped away my tears. Her delicate hands on my cheeks made my ears grow hot.

"Wouldn't your parents see me?"

"They probably already know you're here." I brushed my hand through her hair. I don't know why i did it, I just wanted to.

"Yikes." She sucks in her breath and plops back towards the mattress. I turn my body and slowly lean down next to her.

"They hate me, don't they?" She mumbles. I kiss her forehead before resting my head on her shoulder, and hooking my arms around her.

"Not you, just the idea of me having a girlfriend that they didn't pick out."

"That's dumb." She sticks her hand in my hair.

"I know."

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