I Love Her....

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*Leia's POV*

"Hey Leia? Jazzie and I are going to the mall. Be back in a hour, Kay?" Lilli asks from the door.

I wave her off, "Go ahead, you don't need my permission!" She smiles and pulls Jazzie out the door.

I look around the apartment the guys rented. Yesterday, after Jazzie, they decided they wanted to get out of the hotel.

I reach into my bowl of animal crackers and stare at a elephant. "The life I used to live no longer exists, Elle. Yet, I don't know if I want to live this life." I tell the gram cracker, before I pop it into my mouth with a sigh.

I feel, somehow, incomplete. I feel like I'm missing something. But what? I feel like what ever it is, it's close.

Yet I don't know where to find it.


*Harry's POV*

I've grown somewhat depressed over the past weeks, and everyone knows why....


She doesn't know how much of an effect she has on me!

Ever since she ran away from me after we all walked into the Tavern while she was singing, she hasn't looked at me.

The guys all look at my like they know something. For all I know, they do.

Yesterday, Lilli introduced us to Jazzie. She's a pretty cool girl. I could tell that Zayn had taken a liking to her.

I smile slightly, thinking about them being a couple. They would be cute.

Louis notices the change in my expression, "What are you smiling about, Harry?" He asks, taking a sip from his drink.

We had stopped by a Mcdonalds after walking around.

I smsq.irk at Zayn, "Thinking how cute of a couple Zayn and Jazzie would be." They all laugh as Zayn glares at me.

"What about you, Mr. Romeo?" He retorts, "You and Leia would be a cute couple."

"Yeah, if Harry doesn't hurt her," Louis says, taking another sip.

I look at all of them, amazed that they would think that I would hurt her. "I would NEVER hurt her! What makes you say that?!" I ask, looking at each of them.

"Well, uh, Harry," Liam says slowly, "Your not that cautious around girls. And Leia is younger than your normal range, and...." He trails off.

I shake my head, enraged. "You think that just because I had flings with older woman, I cant love someone? Someone younger?" I piratically yell at him. Yet he stays calm.

"Prove it to me that you wont hurt her." Liam says, watching me closely.

"Because..... Because, I Love Her." The others gasp while Liam smiles, victorious.

He stands up and walks over to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I know that. I just wanted to make sure you knew it." He looks back at the boys, "Come on. Hopefully the girls haven't thrashed out place."


A/N He said he loved her!!!! Awwwww! :') Now he just has to tell HER that, not Liam. ;)

Did you like it? Sorry for the delays. School is coming up so I'll try my hardest to update.



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