"You didn't have to do mine and your dads."

"I did though." She sighs again as she finishes folding the last shirt of hers. "I even organized the pantry and swept the floor."

"Thanks Kassidi." Cassandra smiles at her. She hugs her tightly. "Are you better now? Can you talk to us?"

Kassidi shakes her head no. "I'm trying." 

"Well that's all you can do for now, trying is a good a start." 

"How are you coping? I feel like I am going to explode with all these bottled up emotions."

Cassandra weekly smiles at her. "I'm trying just like you." 

"But how? You look and act just fine."

"I try to stay strong for Onah's sake, just in case he is up there watching us." She points to the ceiling to mean heaven. "I cry and brake down though. All the time. Like everyday at work."

Kassidi looks at her unbelievably. "You brake down and cry at work?"

She nods her head. "Yeah."

"What does everyone think of you then?"

Cassandra shrugs her shoulders. "I don't let them know."

"How then?"

"Well, when the ladies at work ask me to go to lunch with them I always make up an excuse as to not. Then I go into my car and eat my lunch I pack and cry. I cry for a good twenty minutes before I calm down."

"Don't they get currious though?" Kassidi asks.

"All the time." Cassandra half heartedly laughs. "Sometimes I cry even longer and go back in with red puffy eyes." She shrugs her shoulders. "I just tell them it's allergies."

Kassidi laughs. "Allergies?"

"Yeah." Cassandra laughs with her.

Kassidi shakes her head. "I have allergies now." She says as tears escape her eyes. Cassandra hugs her tighter this time.

"I know baby, I know, so do I." Cassandra says as tears start to stream down her face as well. 

"I don't like this. I don't like how it makes me feel. I don't like how it's making me push everyone away. I don't like how I cry constantly. I don't like how I feel like I can't do anything with my life anymore. I had to force myself to do those chores today." Kassidi cries onto Casandra's shoulder.

"I know what you mean. I have to force myself to get out of bed every morning and force myself to get ready for work and actually go. I feel like braking down and not doing a single thing ever again."

"Yes," Kassidi wipes her sore eyes.

"How about you and me go do something tomorrow, just the two of us. Let's go out all day and have a girl's day out, we can even make it a girl's night out if we want."

"Really?" Kassidi asks.


"I don't know."

"No. This is something we both need. Someday we will even take your dad out and he can join in on the fun because he needs it too. But tomorrow it can be just the two of us."

Kassidi feels herself trying to tare apart. Half of her, her old self, wants to go out and have fun, She wants to stay out all day spending money and stay up late laughing again. But her other half, the new part of her that became depressed, wants her to stay inside in her bed and cry.

"Come on Kass, it will be fun. We need some fun in this place. We can even buy those Osirus shoes that you've had your eye on for quite some time now." She smiles wickedly at her.

"The green ones?" Kassidi asks excitedly.

"Lime green and neon yellow." Cassandra smiles.

"Yes. I need them." Kassidi says excitedly. "Okay."

"Okay. Tomorrow at seven. We get up out of bed, dress like the goregouse women we are, and head out around eight."

"Eight starts the day." Kassidi laughs.

"Yes. Now, where do you want to eat breakfast? We can either go out or take an hour off and eat here."

"Out, or else I might not want to go after wards."

"Okay, out it is then." Cassandra smiles. "What shall we do tomorrow then?"

Kassidi thinks for a moment. "Guardians of the Galaxy is playing in theaturs now, it's the number one movie in the universe."

"That sounds fun." Cassandra says excited. "What else? We can go shopping."

"We have to go to the mall!"

"Okay. So breakfast, a movie, shopping, lunch, maybe even more shopping, we can take your dad out to dinner."

"Yeah, and then we can take him out to another movie."

"Yes, and if Gaurdians of the Galaxy is good maybe we can see it twice and take him."

"Fine by me." Kassidi laughs.

Kassidi and Cassandra laugh and hug just as Wesley walks back into the house.

"What did I miss?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"Oh nothing much." Cassandra smiles.

"Just our amazing girl's day out we are going to have tomorrow." Kassidi laughs.

"Day out?" Wesley asks.

"Girl's day out, dad. You can eat dinner and have a movie afterwards with us though."

"So I don't get to have a mani pedi?" Wesley asks with dissapointment in his voice.

Cassandra and Kassidi both look at eachother and burst out laughing.

"We have to take him out for a manicure now." Cassandra laughs.

"Deffinatley." Kassidi smirks at him evily.

Wesley's face is pale. "No."

"You mentioned it." Cassandra says wickedly.

"I can't, I'm a guy."

"A very girly guy." Kassidi puts in.

"Am not."

"Are too." Kassidi argues back.

"Says who?"

"You." Both Kassidi and Cassandra say together.

"Me?" Wesley points to himself. How did I say I was a girly guy?"

"You said you wanted a mani pedi." Cassandra says.

"I was joking."

"Still said it."

"So your gonna get one." Kassidi smirks at him.


Sooooooooo I had writers block for the begining....... if you could't tell........... But by the end I was getting the hang of it and started to get more into it. :D 

Ugh, first day of school today. 

I DID NOT GET 10 COMMENTS, Which upsets me since I know I have MORE than 10 readers... :( I NEED comments to continue, I need feedback to know that people actually care to read my stories and not just vote because I voted for their's, even though I READ, COMMENTED, AND VOTED on theirs. This does not pertain to my loyal vote and commenters.

Sooooooooo as always.........






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