"Thanks." Was your reply.
The two of you sit down with Toritsuka and you glance at Saiki who was sitting at a table close to yours, and it was empty.
He seems to be minding his own business.
Wait how do I know him again?

"Oh (y/n) you have a cough? That explains why you didn't come yesterday!" Toritsuka comments cheerfully.
You don't reply and start to take off your surgical mask and then suddenly stop.

"Why the hell are you staring at me...?!" You snap, confused and frustrated by their silence.

Yoriko is the first to snap out of it and hits Toritsuka.
"Oh... it's just... well you know that mask kind of covered your mouth so it was hard to see your expressions...  and you know you're usually so... 'impassive'." Yoriko trails off.
"Yeah... I guess this mask makes you look even more scary so yeah..." Toritsuka adds.

You feel your face heat up and yank the mask all the way down. "Well thanks guys for making me feel self-conscious of my body-language it's great to know I'm unfriendly lookin-"

"Oh." You stop, embarrassed.

Sighing you just eat your meal, expecting Yoriko and Toritsuka to continue on with their conversation.
But for some reason it was an awkward silence.
"Guys why aren't you talking? Caught my plague or something...?" You prompt, mouth full of rice.


"Ah! Don't joke about that!" A certain angelic voice chimed.
Teruhashi sits down at your table and starts talking to you all while taking neat bites out of her own food.
Compared to you... you were stuffing your face.

"So (y/n), you're sick?" Teruhashi worries.

You fight the urge to roll your eyes and you shrug.

What was that about having a surgical mask being not that weird?

A memory takes place and you give a small smile. "Oh... was that joke even funny?" Teruhashi asked innocently, misreading your facial expression.

You wipe your mouth slowly and sit up straighter. "So, Teruhashi. I was wondering about those books you gave me the other day-"

Teruhashi suddenly sits up. "Uh you know what I need to go somewhere so um bye..."
As promised the glowing girl darted out of the cafeteria -fast- and you slump again.
Jeezus she does not want to talk about that... Teruhashi is something else... she is so pretty and kind... and... Probably doesn't have something wrong in the head...
You trail off sadly.
That cursed Em...

Saiki, on the other hand had heard everything and decided sitting with you would be a... an idea.
Given the fact that you might be embarrassed to bring up your last meeting with him he could get more information out of you through Yoriko and Toritsuka.

"Yo Saiki!" Toritsuka greets, and Yoriko smiles as well.
Suddenly the conversation flows again and you feel like something was wrong.
Slurping your noodles you couldn't put your finger on it.

"So going anywhere this weekend?" Yoriko prompts, and you glance at Saiki for his reply.

That's it!
You think suddenly. It was right in front of you the whole time!

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