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Betty: Wait Veronica?! As in Veronica Lodge?! I don't think she'd do this.

Kevin: Well Reggie did say she'd gone missing. And Veronica is a Lodge...

Cheryl: I can't believe she'd do something like this! Once I find her...

Archie: I say we all go to the Pembroke.

Sweet Pea: And do what? What if she has security out there?

Fangs: Them we'll go through them.

Cheryl: I got a text.

Jughead: What's it say?


Betty: Veronica

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Betty: Veronica... watch the Video, Cheryl.



I took a deep breath before clicking on the link. "Here goes nothing." I muttered and then clicked on the link.


The camera zoomed in on Toni Topaz. She was bleeding much more than she was in the previous video. She had a black eye and busted lip, and she was panting. The chains tied around her were much tighter and thicker.

"Alright, go ahead." The person behind the camera said. Their voice sounded familiar. The person moved up a little bit and their raven hair was now in view. Veronica Lodge.

"Cheryl..." Toni spoke into the camera. "By tomorrow, Friday 15th, at 3:30... I will be dead. I don't know..." She looked behind the camera. She was reading off of a paper. "If you remember but that's around the same time you broke up with..." She scrunched up her fist and glared at Veronica behind the camera. "The love of you life, Veronica Lodge, last year. Around the same time, you dated me... your rebound." She rolled her eyes at the last words. "After I die... you will date Veronica or else everyone you love and care about will die as well."

"Great..." Veronica said. The smirk on her face was clear from how she sounded.

"Cheryl, don't do it! It's a trap!" Toni rushed out before the camera cut.



Cheryl: Meet me a The Pembroke. Is Veronica Lodge wants blood... she'll get blood.

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