"I am sorry to cut this short ,but I must get home to my family ."I nodded in understanding.

"It is fine , just tell your family I said Hello,"He gave me a thumbs up and said 'Goodbye' then told me that he really hopes I could meet his family one day. Just replying with a bow was enough to send him on his way home .

Soon after he left the jail turned quiet and peaceful.

One of the other guards gave me dinner and walk off to the other side of the corridor. Then I was truly alone. 


"What are we to do with that girl?"

"I don't know , but tomorrow bring her here to talk , I want to see her." Sinbad replied to one of the other generals and advisors around the throne room.

"Ja'far,  what do you think ?"  Sinbad asked, stopping all the others talking over each other.

I was knock off by the question and thinking of a answer .

My thoughts were filled with that girl Jin , she was unlike the girls here how have yet to prove any skills except flirting. Yet I wonder if she really was telling the truth about where she was from and how she got here.

Still thinking,  the advisors and generals were all looking in my direction and waiting for a reply.

Suddenly Aladdin and Alibaba walk through the big doors that shadows the throne room.

"What are you doing here?"

"Go away!"

And other comments were thrown their way .

Alibaba just looked at me and mouthed .

'Can we see her'

I shook my head in annoyance. How did they know about her? Maybe they were overhearing everything. 

Alibaba and Aladdin looked at Sinbad hoping he would let them see her. Against my will and those of Sinbad.  We agreed. When I mean we, I mean Sinbad. 

"You guys won't regret it! " Aladdin waved and rushed towards the doors and disappeared. 

"So what do we do now ?"


The night air continued to pass through the windows of my cell .Silence rested it's head on every corridor in this place. All of a sudden I heard skipping footsteps .

Then I see two young boys . The height difference between the two was normal.

One was short with blue hair and a staff. The other was taller with blond hair and looked rather normal.

They stood at the foot of the cell as close as they could get. They awed at the sight of someone who looked different than anyone they have ever seen.
Their eyes filled with curiosity and excitement.  They looked so.....


I looked away in embarrassment and tears . "Miss , why are you sad ?" Said the boy with blue hair. His eyes meet mine and he smiled at me. My heart melted at his sweetness.

"I am not sad, you two remind me of me and my friend when we were younger and innocent. "

The boys looked at each other in a confused state and just nodded in reply. The boy with the blond hair comes closer and grabs the bars of the cells .His hands tightens around the bars .

"How come you are in here for doing absolutely nothing! That's no fair !"
Then his smaller companion gasped at this sudden burst of behavior.

"Life is not very fair , but we must make haste of it ." I was stunned at his outburst. The younger boy looks and made contact. Then reaches out for my hand. My hand reacts before my mind and holds his small soft hands.

As tears slipped out of place and falls on the floor.


It was not fair to put a innocent person in a cell for nothing! I couldn't keep my emotions in check . The words this lady said stuck on my mind .

'Life is not very fair , but we must make haste of it'

This lady was clearly harmless. I would have to talk to Sinbad about this. My eyes lay somewhere else.

I looked towards the cell and saw Aladdin and the lady holding hands and a sudden burst of energy exploded.

It pushed me and Aladdin back ,but didn't seem to faze the lady.

"By the way my name is Jin ." She said with a nice smile that can crack any cold heart.

Aladdin jumped up in joy .

"The names Aladdin and this is Alibaba! "
Aladdin motioned towards me. On instinct I smiled and waved .

She returned the gesture as well. Giving the brightest smile, not even Aladdin could begin to compare. 

The Queen Of Jade [A Fairytail and Magi crossover AU]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن