Chapter 9

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JC burst through the doors, "chill." Cameron put his hand up. I flash a small smile at JC, he has a 'Get Well Soon' pink balloon in his hand.

"Thanks, but it's just a fever." I tie the balloon to the side of the bed. "And you don't have to come, I am getting discharged tomorrow morning." I added.

"I can come pick you up," JC says.

He's so sweet.

"I am driving her back, don't worry." Cameron says, offering JC a chair. "What happened to your face? You look like you got beaten up." JC noticed the bruising.

I look down at my hands, "I fell down the stairs."

"You're clumsy." Cameron commented, I fake a laugh, "yeah."

"Idiot." JC shakes his head at me, "don't you have school?" Cameron ask JC. "I am having the holidays right now." JC answers.

There's this weird tension in the atmosphere that I can't describe, but I want them both to leave, I just want to sleep.

I shut my eyes, "Morgan, I just got here." JC stated.

"Go home, Justin."

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"Please take care of yourself." Cameron puts my bag down on the couch, "thanks Fields." I smiled at him.

He helped me with lectures that I missed, drove me to the hospital and drove me back.

"I owe you one."

"Can I claim that now?" Cameron ask, "uh... Yeah sure. What do you want?" I take off my shoes and put them on the shoe rack.

Cameron put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and bite on the bottom of his lip, "so who did that to your face?"

I laugh at his question, "what do you mean? I fell down the stairs." I walk into the kitchen.

Cameron follows behind me, "Morgan, do you know when you lie you don't look at me at all?"

I open the fridge doors, "would you like... Plain water?" I quickly shut the fridge door, there's only plain water in there.

"Sure." Cameron sits on the bar stool, "it's not that guy I bumped into the other day right, at the cafe?" Cameron continues to interrogate.

I set the cup down in front of him, "remember that you have to eat your medicine after you eat your dinner." Cameron adds.

"Yes mother." I laugh and pour the water for him.

After that, Cameron didn't continue questioning about Kayden. I do not want to think about him and the things he could do to hurt me.

Dinner time rolls by. I prepare to cook microwave food so I could take my meds. I put my notes on the counter as I cooked.

The doorbell went off and I ran over to open the door.

"I made extra." Cameron hands over a small container, "I will see you tomorrow." Cameron walks back in, looking comfortable in his hoodie and shorts.

I closed the front door and look down at the note that he stick on the top of the container.

'remember your meds & lock the door please! x'


I put the stickey note onto the fridge next to the previous one he gave.

Jennifer 🦖💚: i heard you were in the hospital!! hope you're ok now :-/

Alexis 🦋💙: i'm ! don't worry :-)

Jennifer 🦖💚: i will come by north carolina next month, we should catch up!

Alexis 🦋💙: yes omg, haven't seen you in awhile 😭

I put my phone aside, not wanting it to disrupt my dinner plus studying sesh.

I went out to the balcony and sat down on the seats and placed the books on the table.

"I see you're studying." I drop my pen on the floor, "geez Fields, are you trying to send me back to the hospital?" I look over at Cameron, standing on his balcony holding a watering can.

"You're finally watering your plants!" I grin, Cameron laughs and shakes his head at me. "Rest well, Morgan." He went back into his house.

Nate 🦜💚: drinking on friday night ??

Alexis 🦕💙: i'm in !!!!

Nate 🦜💚: see u anne 🥳

The moment I put my phone down, JC texts me.

JC 🏀: are you free friday night?

Alexis 🏀: i'm not, sorry! :-/

I feel bad, I want to hang out with him but I keep cancelling on him.

I sigh and put my phone aside.

I sit on my bed, reading a book about psychology. I then wonder how Cameron's family is like. He's living alone, he owns a motorcycle and a car.

I barely know anything about him, but he's always around when I am in trouble. I owe him big time.

He's kind of cute though.

But I'm too tired to love.

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