Chapter 29

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Everything is fine.

That what I tell myself everyday.

Then I saw this girl, this girl with beautiful jet black hair... With Cameron.

"Dinner after your game tonight?" Elijah place his hand on my back, I look away from that girl and look up at Elijah.

I nod my head, "sure." I continue walking to the bench, looking at Cameron every now and then.

"Stop staring, please." Tania sits down next to me and set her crutches her side. Tania had a bad fall in the previous game and fractured her ankle, she's out for good six months.

I look down at my shoes, "I wasn't staring." I murmured.

"Maybe we can go for a night out after finals, get you a new guy." Tania suggested.

I am not interested in any other guys.

I shrug my shoulders, not really want to go anywhere ever since Cameron left. I stay home and sleep or rewatch my matches or opponent's matches. I hit the gym and I study.

I don't want to meet a new guy and do it all over again.

I stand at the free throw line and placed my hands on my hips. I took in a deep breath and held the ball in my hands.

"Alexis Morgan!"

In that moment of silence, everyone on court heard the gun loaded.

The gun shot went off then all I heard was screaming. I drop the ball and drop onto my knees.

I need to run.

I place my hands on the ground but my vision is so blurry and I feel so weak.

I felt a pair of big hands on my waist.

"Alexis, you're okay." Cameron whispers into my ear, "I am here." He picks me up from the ground and we just started running.

"Here." Cameron brought me to a corner, "stay here, you will be safe." He let goes of my hand.

I grab on to his shirt, "don't go, please." I murmured. Cameron grabs my hands, "I will come back for you, I promise." He assures me, "stay here, close your eyes, in a second it will be over." He place his hand on my head.

Then I watch him run away.

I close my eyes and place my hands over my ears.


My eyes shot right open, "it's over, it was a prank." Elijah helps me up from the floor, "prank?" I repeated.

"Where's Cameron?" I asked.

Elijah places his hand on my cheek, he wipe away the sweat on my forehead and forced a smile. "He's not here, Morgan."

I felt an ache in my heart.

But it wasn't that painful.

Because I wasn't surprised.

Elijah and I left the hall and we gather back with our teammates and also our teachers.

It was two 17 year olds boys that find it funny to bring an actual gun to a game.

All that just to scare me.

I head home and got ready the bath.

I placed my clothes on the chair and got into the warm bathtub.

I lean back and stare up at the ceiling.

All I can think about is his touch and his voice.

The way he still make me feel.

Then the gun shot sound went off in my head.

I held onto the sides of my bathtub, gripping it tightly to my knuckles turn white.

When I got out of my bathroom, I realised I was in there for a good one hour.

I switch off the lights downstairs and just when I am about to head up the stairs, the doorbell rang.

"Hi," Elijah smiles at me when I opened the door.

"Oh Elijah," I said, slightly disappointed.

Why am I always getting my hopes up?

"Just wanted to check if you're okay." Elijah says, "it was a huge scare today, wasn't it?"

I nod my head in agreement. "I am fine, I am just about to head to bed." I say, putting my hand on the door handle. "Thanks for checking up on me." I say softly, "goodnight."

Elijah nods his head and turn around, "goodnight."

I closed the door and head upstairs. I crawl into my bed and burst out crying, but it was silent. I bite on my knuckle, and curl up into a ball.

Why does it hurt so much?

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