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Guys, writing this story has really been a roller coaster, thus I want to edit it and improve it. It has been gaining popularity and I want it to be good quality. This is why I'll be changing the plot and characters here and there. Any discrepancies further are because of this. Please bare with me.
Also, on a side note, if you could check out my book, TROUBLE, that would be epic. Trust me, it's a lot better than this, and I pinky swear that you'll love it.

Chapter 1
Love really is a fickle thing. We can put our love into a great epic ballad or even a saga, but nothing will truly explain all the complexities of this emotion, except maybe weddings. A simple event like a wedding can truly show you all the colours of love. In the bride's eyes you see unconditional love for her groom. In the father's eyes you see the love for a daughter. In the sister's eyes you mostly see jealousy, but there's always love mingled in there.

My simple agenda was just one thing, bringing love.
Planning the weddings was easy, it was the experience that I wanted to create which was hard. But nothing was too hard, I was, after all, working as a wedding planner.

"Margaret, I know that you don't change prices. But, just this once, maybe you could tweak it a bit." I pester with the woman on the phone. I reach out to comb my fingers through my hair when I realise it's in a bun.

"Ms.Alia you know me, and my work. I don't charge for money.-" her high pitched voice retaliates instantly.

"Yes, I'm aware you charge for the quality." I complete for her.

"Well, if you know that then don't bother arguing over the price." Her smug, smooth voice says on the other end.

"You made the Andrew wedding cake in a day for half the price. You can do anything when you set your mind to it so stop bull-crapping and give me a price that doesn't need to be bargained with." I say sternly, getting sick of her constant nagging. She was quoting her price way above budget and I just wouldn't have it.

She remains silent for a few seconds and then finally gives in," You are quite stern when you want to be." I smile and hang up before she could change her mind about anything.

I lean back in my small wheeled chair and push away from my desk. In a burst of excitement, I let out a little scream. My chair hits my bedroom wall and I come to a stop.
I'd done it. I'd convinced her to change the price. I had achieved something.

My eyes suddenly come to rest on the clock above my desk. I let out a small gasp when I see the time. It was five thirty and I wasn't ready one bit.

My sister, Jasmine, was getting married. I don't know why, it was all very sudden. She was just 23 and fresh out of law school.

I, on the other hand, was a to be freshman at college and in charge of her wedding. Her groom, Nick, and his entire extended family was going to come over for dinner tonight.

My mother, Portia, had planned this little event as an attempt to bring together both of the families. This has led to our entire house being turned into a fairytale castle. There were fairy lights and flowers everywhere.

My mother had gone all out and she expected us to too. So I had picked out a navy blue floor length gown for this occasion. I quickly put it on and swiped some make up onto my skin. I honestly didn't know how to use most of it but I made myself look presentable.

It was six thirty by the time I finally slipped into my golden heels and made myself downstairs. I took a deep breath before I walked into the backyard. I was anxious to talk to people. I hated small talk.

There weren't many people there, thus I let out a breath of relief.
I see camera men moving around the backyard clicking pictures of unknown faces and people. My mother was a big deal. She was the head of the leading law firm and was the youngest woman name partner. She had climbed her way to the top and was extremely well known in our community.
She was even part of the church choir, thus I saw the pastor in the corner.
I waved at him and he waved back.

I take a seat at the edge of the function, wanting to be away from the coming chaos. I hated functions like these. I pick out a virgin margarita from a waiter and sip on it nervously as I waited for my mother. She finally came out, in a bejeweled silver gown she looked like the snow queen. Her luscious black hair tumbled down her shoulder and stopped right near her elbows. Her high cheekbones and full lips caught many a attention as people turned to look around at her. She was lean and fit for a woman her age.

My black hair, brown eyes and wheat skin was somehow just not as beautiful as hers or my sisters. They somehow had it all.

She walked slowly around the yard and talked to everyone with a smile. Instantly I was reminded of my disability to do just that.

I put down my drink and walked solemnly to be by her side.

"Alia dear," she said turning to meet my eyes as I approached her," I didn't see you come out." Yes, I was basically invisible.

"I..." I am at a loss for words as I search for a good enough reason for my shyness.

"The family is on its way. Nick's cousin is also coming, so you best make everyone feel at home. They'll be staying with us throughout summer." She says straightening my dress and patting my hair down. I smile politely and nod. This is exactly what I was dreading.

I sulk back towards my corner and munch on some tarts as I play angry birds, my guilty pleasure. My head perks up when I hear my sister's voice. She was in a baby blue dress which was sequined. Her highlighted brown hair was crafted into a perfect bun. She looked amazing.

I walked swiftly to meet her but am intercepted when I see Nick walking through the double door entrance.

Something told me that the party had just arrived.

My Sister's Big Fat WeddingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora