Pyramids - I

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"Where are you going?" He asked softly as he watched her slip out of the silk sheets clad in nothing after their evening of adulterous events. "I thought you were staying the night," he added after not receiving a response.

She let out a light chuckle, before turning to face him as she started dressing herself. "I can't stay the night Aubrey and you know that." She slipped on the silk slip dress as he just watched enjoying the view.

"Why can't you stay?" He asked as he got out of the bed and pulled on a pair of boxers. He walked around the bed and stood in front of her before placing his hand on her cheek and looking her in the eye. "I thought you said you were going to leave him,"

She gave him a small smile. "I can't leave him Aubrey, it's not that simple."

"It can be. It's not like you'll be alone; if anything you'll be in a better predicament because you'll regain the support of your family."

She shook her head with a sad smile and moved away from him to make sure she had everything. "I don't need their support," she said calmly as she put her jewellery in her clutch bag. He knew that her family was a sore subject for her but it was one of the only ways he could try to get her out of the situation she had now put herself in.

"Well at least do it for me, for us nic. We have so much potential, why can't we just give it a try. I know it'll be difficult to start off with, but we can figure it out together," He said sounding hopeful.

"Aubrey, I can't. A much I enjoy your company and I love the idea of everything we could be, I can't leave him. You're 19 and-"

"When has my age ever been a problem? We've had this - whatever it is - going for almost two years now and my age has never been a problem so why is it a factor now?"

"You are living in an apartment paid for by your parents Aubrey and in case you haven't realised, I am very high maintenance. This will never be as easy a you want to make it." She said as she pulled on her jacket. "If I ask David for a divorce he would never sign the papers. Especially since we only got married a few months ago."

He stood there slightly shocked at her choice of words. Hurt would be an understatement especially since she had lulled him into thinking they had a chance. "When did you get married? And why didn't you tell me,"

"Aubrey, I don't have the time nor energy for this," she said as she walked over to him with her belongings in one hand. She placed a hand on his cheek and leaned in to kiss him, but was surprised to be met with him moving away from her. "Guess I deserve that. I'll see you around Aubrey." And at that she walked away from him and let herself out, leaving him angry and heartbroken...

Nicki walked into the suburban house and heard the voice of her husband as he spoke on the phone in his office. The door was slightly open - hence her being able to hear him - so she walked over and let herself in. She just watched as he walked over to her whilst wrapping up the conversation he was having.

"How are you?" He asked before placing a kiss on her temple and wrapping his arms around.

"I'm good. How are you?" She returned the question as she rested her head on his chest.

"I'm good baby. What did you get up to today? You look nice," he said as he gave her a once over.

"I hung out with the girls, nothing major. Just felt like dressing up since I hadn't done so in a while,"

"Aw, that's nice. Glad to hear you're actually leaving the house more," he chuckled and she did the same."Well I just got off the phone with our realtor and he said someone wants to made an offer we can't refuse so I think it's time we let this place go," he spoke softly as he ran he hand through her hair.

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