Tapout Pt. 1

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"Aubrey Graham," He placed the picture down in front of Nicki and she observed it just taking in the appearance of the young man placed in front of her. "Younger of the two Graham sons of Sandra And Dennis Graham,"

"What do you want from him?" She asked curiously looking at the fairly innocent young man. "And why not any of his other family members,"

"He's the easier of the two young men to get through too. Apparently his family have the links to the diamonds we wanted," Sean said as he walked over to the water machine in his office and got himself a glass full.

"So you don't even know if they have what you're looking for? There's a possibility they might not?" She asked as she tapped a little pattern on the table with her nails.

"No, but that's not the point. They're the most likely with the Graham's," he retook his seat and just looked at Nicki who was biting her lip. "So you in? Does it sound like a challenge enough for you,"

"What do I have to do, and why did you chose me of all the other agents you have here?" She sat back in her seat slightly now awaiting his answer, even though she already had an idea.

He kissed his teeth and rested against his elbows on the desk. "In the nicest was possible, you're his type. He's gonna give you what you want without you even trying. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying sleep with him, but I'm just giving you a heads up that in that department, he would give you anything you asked for,"

"And why didn't you ask Cassie? This is normally her type of thing,"

"Because she's already been working on the older brother for the past two weeks," He ran his hand over his waves already knowing it was going to be difficult to convince her. "Please Nicki, you don't have to do anything with him. Just have a laugh over a couple of drinks and get us the information we want,"

She just sat for a moment contemplating the idea. "Fine." She watched as his face lit up. "When and how am I going to see him without seeming the slightest bit suspicious,"

"They're hosting a masquerade ball, and Cassie has already said she's bringing a friend that she wants to introduce to Aubrey, or Drake as he likes to be know. You're gonna be that friend,"

"Are you funding for my dress," she folded her arms across her chest and waited for his response.

"Looks like I'll have to,"


Nicki got into the car as the chauffeur opened the door for her. She took a seat next to Cassie who seemed very excited to see her. They greeted with a small embrace. "How are you?" Cassie asked as they pulled away.

"I'm good babe, and yourself ?" Nicki sat back in her dear and waited for her response.

"I'm good," she fixed the bracelet before looking up at Nicki again. "You ready to meet drake?"

Nicki chuckled a little. "I guess so. What am I in for, he looked pretty handsome on the picture,"

"He is. He's very handsome and he's the charming one of the two brothers. If I was to be honest he's you're type," Cassie smirked and looked her up and down.

Nicki just laughed and looked at her phone to avoid eye contact. "And what do you mean by that Cas?"

"He's a well presented guy. He's well educated and put together, but he can also be a bad boy if you want him to. He's exactly the type of guy you're looking for," Nicki blushed and Cassie just chuckled. "If you don't drop your panties for him by the end of tonight I'll buy you a Chanel bag,"

"You're on,"

The rest of the drive the girls just caught up on each other's lives as they prepared themselves for what was going to be an eventful night.

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