Cheyenne Pt. 1

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Drake woke up once again in an unfamiliar setting. He looked over to his left at the young beauty who was fast asleep on her front, and smirked. Guaranteed he'd had a good time, but he didn't intend for it to be any more than just that.

After admiring her for anther short moment, he decided to get out of bed and get dressed. Due to feeling a shift in the bed she was soon awake and watching him as he got dressed. He only noticed when he turned around to pick up his t-shirt.

"Morning," he said with a boyish smile and a wink as he continued to dress.

"Hey," she said back gently. "you're already leaving?" She asked with a slight pout forming on her face. "You're not even gonna stay for breakfast?"

She shook his head as he put on his Rolex. "Sorry princess, I've got some errands to run, so ill have to be on my way." He picked up his keys and made sure he had everything in preparation to leave.

"I'll call you later?" She asked more than stated and he just gave a light chuckle before responding.

"I mean you can, but no promises that I'll pick up," He gave a shrug. "See you later princess," And at that he was gone, leaving her beyond confused...

A few days later...

"We going to Courtne's party tonight boys?" Jas asked as they all sat around the dinner table at Drake's enjoying the meal that had been put together for them by the chef.

"Of course," Drake responded. "Courtne has some good looking friends," he said with a shrug causing the others to laugh.

"you gonna find another victim, didn't it work out with Beth?" Chubbs asked curious to find out what happened to his friends latest hook up. Drake gave them a slightly confused look as they all looked at him awaiting an answer. "The one you were with the other day? After the club appearance,"

Drake gave a smirk and nodded after realising who he was referring to. "Yeah she's called me everyday since, but that really was just a one night thing?"

"So just like the rest of them,"Oliver added in and they all laughed again as he tried to justify himself.

"I'll settle down eventually, just not now I guess," He shrugged and took a sip of his wine. "Commitment isn't something I'm looking into right now, but if the right girl comes along then I'll definitely give the whole relationship thin a shot,"

"And with all the females you've managed to find yourself with, none of them have been good enough to convince you to even see them a second time?" Jas questioned, receiving a chorus of back up from the other members on the take.

"Nope. I guess I'm just not into any of them like that," He placed his wine glass back on the table and stood to stretch. "Anyway, I'm gonna go and start getting ready cause this party is meant to kick off in about 30 minutes,"...


"I'm glad you could make it,' courtne said as they shared an embrace, before she pulled away to admire the outfit Nicki was wearing.

"Thank you darling," Nicki said in her British accent before continuing. "And of course I made it, I wouldn't miss is for the world babe." They walked through the and made their way to the kitchen as Courtne wanted a conversation with Nicki in a less populated environment.

"So are you still with Rory?" She asked as Nicki took one of the red solo cups and fixed herself a drink.

"who's that?" Nicki asked before taking back the straight shot of Henny she had ut for herself. She couldn't help but laugh upon seeing her friends facial expression. "I'm joking, we didn't really get along that well," she poured herself another drink this tie adding a mixture before continuing. "Don't get me wrong the sex was great but, we had our differences and if anything they really set us apart,"

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