Feel No Ways

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"You're really going to leave me, Aubrey?" She asked as she leant on his arm as they sat looking over the view of their town.

"I don't want to," He looked down at her and kissed her temple. "But you know this is a one time offer, and if I turn it down I might not get the chance again," He sighed. "You know how I feel about my music and if all goes well then it'll be the little push I need to get further,"

"So you're gonna get all famous and I'm gonna become that annoying fan who claims she knows you," They both chuckled. "But seriously, you're gonna forget all about me," She took his hand and interlinked it with her own.

"I won't forget about you nic, don't think like that. You're my best friend," He looked at their linked hands. "I could never forget about you," It went silent for a moment as he thought, before he spoke up again. "Why don't you come with me?"

"To LA ?" She asked and looked up at him as he responded with a nod. She just chuckled. "I can't do that Aubrey, as much as I'd love to, I really can't. I can't leave everything have here, what if it doesn't work out?"

"We can work something out once we get there. There's always a way around everything,"

"I'd rather just wait here for you to return," she looked down to avoid eye contact.

"And that's fine, we can keep contact the whole time I'm away. I promise I'll be back before your 24th birthday," he lifted her chin to make her look at him again before leaning in and placing a kiss on her lips. "There's too much there between us for it to be lost,"

12 months later...

Drake went and knocked on the familiar door of his old neighbourhood. The time he had spent in LA building his career was well spent and he was now on his way to becoming the music artist he wanted to be. He and Nicki hadn't talked in months but as he had promised before he came back for her.

After the short wait the door finally opened and he was met by the just the face he wanted to see. A huge smile made its way on to his face causing her to do the same before chuckling. He opened his arms and she gladly walked into the embrace. He just held her tightly and inhaled her scent. "I've missed you so much nic,"

"I've missed you too. How have you been," they pulled away from the embrace and just looked at each other.

"Good thanks. How about you? I didn't know 12 months could change someone like this," he looked her up and down licked his lips.

"Stop it," she chuckled. "And I've been good. Just so happy to finally see you again, how was LA?"

"It's crazy, nothing but hard work but I'm getting there you know,"

"Yeah, I've started swing your face on social media, people play your music, it's crazy,"

"Yeah I know, but we've still got a way to go yet, I'm not where I want to be,"

"So you're going back?" She asked soundly a little down.

"Yeah," he ran his hand over his fade. "Tomorrow actually cause I have an interview scheduled but I had take this chance to see you whilst I was here,". He spoke knowing they both wanted more time together.

"Told you I wouldn't fit in this lifestyle of yours," she chuckled.

"No don't say it like that,". He pouted causing her to chuckle. "Let's not think about all that,"


It went silent for a moment before he spoke up. "Are you busy tonight?" She shook her head. "How about we go out for dinner a chance to catch up? You could maybe look at it as date? On me,"

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