With Me

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Drake placed the small owl chain on and just took in his appearance in the mirror. He was dressed in some black jeans, and a white Stone Island sweater, with some black timbs. He reached for his Rolex and secured it around his wrist before just running his hand over his beard. He heard a light knock on the door and gave the person permission to come in.

"Someone's made an effort," Noah said watching as he finished getting dressed.

"Barely. It's not like I want to go anyway," he replied back, the annoyance evident in his voice. "Like I'm going to a reunion to see a bunch of people who only wanna be friends with me now because of my status." He reached for his cologne and sprayed it on himself before reaching for his coat and phone.

"Cheer up Graham, it's gonna be a good night." He said and gave him a pat on the back hit Drakes expression remained unimpressed. They walked out of the master bedroom and down the stairs on the mansion to meet with the rest of their crew.

"Is he still being a killjoy," Ryan asked of his cousin who just rolled his eyes as he put his coat on.

"Can we just go and get this over with please," Drake said, leading the way out of the house. The crew followed behind him along with his bodyguards, as they all continued to tease his distaste for attending the event.

They had all been invited to a reunion get together by former high school friend and being that they had just got back from tour they found it would be a nice night out. Drake on the hand didn't quite agree and being he didn't really like his high school "buddies" much, he didn't see the point in attending, but was still forced into it either way. He hoped at some point his mood would shift and he'd find something to show interest in.

They arrived at the club where the party was being hosted and made their way into the very loud setting. He just observed his surrounding as they made their way to an empty corner of the club. He took his seat and reached for his phone already over it.

"Cheer up G," Chubbs said as he took his seat next to him. "At least act like you're having fun."


Nicki ran her finger through her hair as she took in her appearance. With a small smile she picked up her coat and phone. "Come on let go," she said cheerfully and the others just rolled their eyes, glad she was finally happy with her appearance.

"Trust us lot to be late, as per." Candi said as the three of them got into the awaiting Maybach.

"Fashionably late Candi. Cheer up, besides everyone will be getting on with whatever to pay attention to what we're doing." Nicki said before getting her phone out to lurk on her social media accounts.

"Don't act like you're not the owner of a designer fashion company Nicki. People will look at you and they will want to talk to you," Thembi emphasised, knowing her friend didn't think much of her title.

"Doesn't mean I want to talk to them. I just wanna have fun. Tonight is basically a night to celebrate the Maraj x Balmain collection," she said with a wink being it was the first time she'd broken the news to them.

"No way," Candi said looking at her friend who was sat with a smile on her face.

"Indeed. I am collaborating with balmain on our newest collection, and you guys are celebrating with me tonight." They squealed and she just chuckled...

Once they arrived at the club, they made their way in with Nicki's bodyguard following closely behind them. They walked into what was a fairly packed scenery, but there was still enough room to breathe. The searched for the emptiest corner and made their way over before taking a seat.

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