Cheyenne Pt. 2

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3 days later...

Drake sat zoned out in a studio session with his boys and 2 of his recently signed artists. He was lost in his old world, day dreaming about the woman who had rocked his boat and left him stranded a few days ago.

"Drake," chubbs called out as he waved his hand in front of his face, taking him out of his trance.

"What was that?" He asked now trying to pick up the conversation, clearly aware that they had just asked him something and were waiting on an answer.

"I said, you never told us how it went with that girl from Courtney's party," Ryan repeated his question.

"For starters her name is Nicki," Drake said and a chorus of 'ooooo's' made their way around the room.

"Well he remembers her name so that's progress," Chubbs pipped up and the others agreed.

"Drake never remembers names so it must've been a good night," Jas added.

"It was definitely a good night, but she played me at my own game and I don't like it," He said and the others just waited for him to elaborate. "I have no contacts with her, and she has no intention of seeing me again because 'that's not how one night stands work'," he said putting air quotations as he repeated her words.

"Why didn't you ask Courtne to hit her up for you," Jas suggested. "I mean you clearly wanna see her again,"

"I did, but apparently she refused for me to have a her number," he said with a small smile and head shake. "Courtne did say she was gonna arrange something soon so that our paths could cross again,"

"Wow you really liked her," Oliver said and every gave a chuckle. "You asking for a second date is a lot,"

"Especially since the girl is playing hard to get. You normally would've dropped her by now," Chubbs added.

"Well she was different. There was definitely something about her," Drake responded...


"He really wants to see you," Courtne emphasised. "Honestly I don't think I've ever seen him like this. He asks me for your number everyday Nic,"

Nicki just rolled her eyes on the other end of the phone. She'd heard it all before and she couldn't understand why this time would be any different. "Courtne I'm not doing it. Like I can only imagine who else he's pulled this act for,"

"No one. Nicki you're my best friend. Why would I put you through anything that I wasn't sure about," She pleaded giving her a moment to dwell on it. "He doesn't do second dates and the fact that he's still trying to see you after more than a week of you airing him is impressive,"

"I'm not letting you give him my number but you can arrange something for all of us to get together and I'll see what I can do," Nicki said not wanting to quite give in.

"When are you free?" Courtne asked and you could hear the smile in her voice.

"Courtne I didn't agree to anything so don't get excited. I'm getting if work at 3pm on Friday so I could probably do something then," Nicki said as she mentally ran through her schedule making sure she didn't double book.

"How about a group dinner? Me, you, him, a few of his boys, Candi and Thembi. It would be nice and like it won't just be the two of you so you can see how it plays out before you take that risk,"

"Hmmm," she thought about it for a moment. "Go on then. Just let me know the time and place and I'll be there." Courtne squealed on the other end of the phone receiving another eye roll from her friend. "Right I've got things to be doing sis so I'll talk to you later," And at that they wrapped up their phone call and went about their evenings.

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