Adaptation Pt. 3

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Drake pulled up to a fairly modern apartment complex. He parked his car in the parking lot before turning it off and looking at the time.

Drake: not too bad hey

Nicki: I'm so car lagged by this point

They both chuckled.

Drake: don't worry we'll give you a break for the afternoon but we have people to see this evening.

He took her hand into his and kissed it, before just admiring her beauty.

Drake: come on

They got out of the car  and he grabbed their bags and headed inside after locking the car. They walked in hand in hand and took the lift straight to the top floor. They walk to the door numbered 1024. He used the key he had and unlocked it and let Nicki walk in before he followed.

Nicki: when did you get this place?

Drake: when I last came to Canada. So last year

Nicki: does Jermaine know about this

He shook his head.

Nicki: where did you get the money for all this. The car, the condo ?

Drake: Savings. Work. The occasional present from my parents

He shrugged. He walked to the bedroom knowing she would follow of which she did. He sat on the bed and patted his leg for her to come and sit. After taking a seat on his lap he looked her in the eyes before speaking.

Drake: you tired ?

She shook her head.

Drake: you sure because there somethings I need to tell you and I need you to be wide awake because if things go wrong you could lose me forever and that's not even to scare you. I'm serious

She looked at him slightly worried. He hated that he had to scare her but he had no choice. She needed to realise the seriousness of their situation. He looked at the time and sighed.

Drake: why don't you take a nap and we can discuss it all when you wake up.

She nodded. He reached down and untied her boots before helping her out of them. Once they were off she stood and disrobed before looking around for his bag.

Drake: second draw over there

She made he way to the chest of drawers and picked out a t-shirt before heading back to him and sitting on his lap.

Nicki: can you hold me until I fall asleep.

He removed his timbs and jumper and she moved to the centre of the bed of which he soon followed. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple before letting her snuggle into him...


Jermaine walked through the corridor and looked around at the school that felt fairly off. He went to his locker and began working to unlock it when he heard the principle calling his name. He looked up and followed the gesture to follow him to his office. Once he was in there he saw a face he didn't like the look of. 

Mr. Phillips: morning Jermaine

J: morning sir

Mr. Phillips: take a seat, you're probably wondering why you're here

J: I am

He cautiously took a seat on one of the chairs but didn't get too comfortable.

Mr. Phillips: this gentleman here is looking for Drake and we figured you'd be the only one who knows about his whereabouts?

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