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Nicki made her was down the set of stairs with her cup of tea, dressed in nothing but one of his jumpers over her underwear and a pair of fluffy socks. She had decided to come and spend the weekend at his place, as she had been fairly busy with assignments throughout the week. She arrived into the converted basement and watched as he edited away on his laptop with his cameras and other tech devices surrounding him. She looked up at the huge screen that was playing one of his home videos, which consisted of her laughing whilst hiding away from the camera lens.

"You like it so far?" He asked after giving her a quick glance before returning to what he was doing. She just walked over to him and cover herself with one of the blankets before resting on his shoulder as she watched him work.

"The videos cute. Not sure about the girl in it though," she said causing him to chuckle. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her temple. "Don't you have any projects to be working on for others?" She asked.

"A couple but they won't take me too long. I just wanted to get this started. Especially since you're here, I could probably get some more candids," he spoke softly as he brought his arm around her and pulled her close. She just groaned, not too keen about being in the cameras eye again.

"Why do you like taking pictures and videos of me so much Aubrey?" She looked up at him and waited for his response.

"Because you're my muse. I'm obsessed with every little aspect of you, and there's not better way to show you that, than to put you in my art." He leaned down and gave her a peck causing a smile to creep on to her face.

"You mean that?" She asked as she lost herself in his gaze.

"Of course I do." He kissed her temple and returned to what he was doing, but kept an arm around her as she rested against him, letting her watch as he worked.

Their relationship had come around unexpectedly, being she was at college studying law, and he had graduated the year before with a media degree. They'd bumped into each other when he had come to give advice to the current media students, and help them to pick a career path. He'd seen her walking around the building and couldn't stop himself from asking her to be one of the models in his upcoming photo shoots. She wasn't keen to begin with but he seemed so enthusiastic, that she felt bad saying no to him. And from then, they found themselves spending more time together, before finally putting tabs onto what they were.

"You going back to New York at the end of this semester?" He asked, after remembering the summer break was approaching.

"Yeah, but I'm gonna go in like the second week." She sat up properly before taking a sip from her tea. "I was kind of hoping you would come down and meet my parents," she bit her lip, knowing he was going to be slightly uneasy about her suggestion. He just chuckled and didn't give her a response, confirming her speculation. "Please Aubrey, they've heard so much about you and still haven't met you,"

"Good things I hope," he said, giving her a side eye and causing her to giggle.

"They may have heard about one or two of our arguments, but they still want to meet you." She stood and placed her cup somewhere that it wouldn't spill before moving his laptop and straddling him. "Please,"

"Nicki, I haven't saved my project." He warned, now a little worried about losing it. She just placed her hand on his cheeks and forced him to look at her.

"Please," she asked again still keen on getting a response. She leaned in and gave him a peck before speaking against his lips. "Please Papi,"

He just chuckled causing her to smile, knowing she had won him over. "Okay." She pulled away from him with a smile that he returned. "Now let me save my project." She moved from straddling him before grabbing a blanket and one of bean bags to lean on. 

"Can we watch this project of yours?" She asked, looking for a way to take his attention away from his work.

"Which one do you wanna watch?" He replied back as he closed his laptop and moved over to his iMac to pick One for them to watch.

"Preferably not one that features me,"

"That doesn't leave me with a lot to choose from,"

She rolled her eyes, knowing he was going to get his way eventually. "Okay, play the one that was playing earlier then."

He picked up the remote to the cinematic system and turned on the sound, before pressing play and taking his spot next to her on the floor. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek, before letting her relaxing into his chest.

A warm feeling and sense of ease took over her as she watched the video. It amazed her to see how much he really did love and appreciate her and how he turned her natural behaviour into a work of art. It was no question she could see herself spending the rest of her life with him.

The short film was coming to an end when he looked down at her and captured her gaze. He leaned in and gave a her a kiss before pulling away and whispering against her lips: "you're so beautiful." His hands slipped underneath her jumper, and roamed around her body and she just bit her lip before pulling him in for another kiss.

It didn't take long for this situation to get heated and for both of their clothes to be off. He placed his hands on her waist as she mounted him, letting out a quiet moan as she took in his length. He ran his hand through her hair and pulled her in for another kiss, letting it convey his love for her as she took them on a steady ride...

Drake made his way back down the basement with his coffee in one hand and her tea in the other. He'd woke up from their nap first, and after putting on some boxers, he decided to go and make himself a coffee and her another tea knowing she'd be upset she didn't get to finish her previous one. He walked in and just found her scrolling through her phone as she lay, tangled in the sheets. "Morning princess," he said with a chuckle as he walked over to her.

She just rolled her eyes and sat up, keeping the blanket wrapped around her naked body. "I wasn't asleep for that long," she defended, watching him as he took a seat next to her and handed her her mug. She bit her lip and smirked slightly as she watch him sip on his coffee.

"What?" He asked with a chuckle, after catching her staring at his. She just shook her head causing him to laugh. "Had you alright booked your ticket for New York?" Again she shook her head and he just reached for his laptop.

She moved closer to him and rested against him as he busied himself with booking them ticket for their trip to see her parents. "Thank you," she spoke softly.

"What for?" He asked slightly confused.

"Everything," was her simple response. "In the year we've been seeing each other I honestly don't think I could ask for a better boyfriend, so thank you,"

He took her hand into his and kissed the back of it. "I could say the same about you," he said with a smile that she returned.

She watched him as he typed away, only pitching in to give her input on the dates she wanted to go. By the time he was done, she was done with the tea and was now dressed in the white t-shirt he had previously been wearing.

She reached for his camera and spent a few moments working out how to turn it on and get it to the correct setting. He watched her with a smile as she started filming him. "I think it's your turn to be the camera's focus sir,"

He let her play around and question him, the same way he would normally do to her, before reach for the camera and taking it out of her grasp before returning it on the desk where it previously was. He pulled her onto his lap and just observed her. She leaned in and kissed him before gently running her nails through his beard. "I love you," he said as his pulled her closer to him, not wanting to let her go.

"I love you more Aubrey." Her head rested on his shoulder and her arms around his neck. At that moment, she felt she could conquer anything, as long as she had him with her...


_PaintedPyramids X

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