Come (Thru) and See Me

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Wyd. -Aubrey

She looked at the simple text already knowing where it was going.

Not a lot -Nicki

She watched the three dots appear in the grey bubble indicating that he as typing and a few seconds later she was graced with another short text.

Come thru. -Aubrey

She just sighed as she thought of how to phrase her next response in order to not upset him. He had a habit of just calling her over whenever he felt suited him and it was never convenient for her.

It's 11pm Aubrey. I'm tired and I'm getting ready for bed now so I'll see you tomorrow. -Nicki

She knew she would eventually end up at his house but she just hoped maybe this time it would be different. It took him a little longer to respond this time and she was hoping it had gone her way but she was wrong.

The boys are just about to leave and I'm gonna be lonely in this big ass house. Come Thru. -Aubrey

She rolled her eyes and placed her phone on the bed as tied up her hair. And not long later she received another text from him.

Please. -Aubrey

She groaned in frustration but once again she gave into him. She put on a pair of leggings and a hoodie, pair with some jordan's before she grabbed her keys and phone and headed out of her condo. She got into her range rover and began the drive to his mansion.

She pulled up to the gate and punched in the code before driving through and parking her car in the awaiting free spot with the rest of his. She switched off the engine and after grabbing her phone heading to the door that she opened with her spare key. Being that she was still annoyed at him she didn't bother calling out for him and instead just headed up to the master bedroom to find herself something to sleep in. Much to her dismay he was sat on the bed in a pair of boxers as he typed away on his phone.

He glanced up at her for a short moment before reverting his attention back to his phone. "Hey," he said softly as she placed her phone and keys on her bedside table and removed her hoodie. She didn't respond just to make sure it was clear to him that she wasn't happy with him. "I was about to take a shower, did you wanna join?"

"No thanks." was her simple and slightly passive-aggressive response. He turned and watched her as he continued to disrobe. After a few seconds, he placed his phone on the cabinet and stood to walk over to her as she stood folding her clothes in her underwear.

He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her petite body. He placed a kiss on her shoulder and spoke to her gently. "What's wrong, why are you upset?"The slight concern in his voice was evident and it managed to soften her up a little.

"Nothing, I'm just tired," She said as she looked down at his arms that were securely around her midriff.

He placed a kiss on the spot just below her ear. "I'm sorry mami. Come on, let me make it up to you." He placed his hands on her waist and lightly spun her round. He leaned in and gave her a short but sensual kiss before taking her hand and interlocking their fingers.

"Aubrey, no. I have to get to bed because I have a long ass day of working tomorrow," she continued to complain but it was obvious that she was already set on giving him what he wanted.

"Okay, we'll be quick. And besides, it'll probably help you sleep better. Come on," He lightly tugged on her hand as he backed away in the direction of the en suite bathroom and despite her protests she once again gave into him; and not that she didn't enjoy it - because she did - but she just wasn't keen on letting him have things go his way, once again.

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