Dangerous Woman

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The sound of her heels hitting the marble floor echoed around the top floor of the building. As always the heads of her workers turned as she made her way to her office. Her attention was focused mainly on her phone and nothing else. Once she reached her office door she used her fingerprint to let her in and placed her bag on her desk before walking round to her seat and sitting down. She got her iMac running and looked at her paperwork for the day. Not long later her assistant walked in with her morning coffee.

"Morning Miss Maraj," Ariane, her personal assistant, spoke cheerfully as she walked into the office.

Nicki gave her small smile before responding. "Morning Ariane what have you got for me today?"

"Today's a fairly relaxed day. You have one meeting regarding the summer collection and a conference call with some of the editors of vogue for the collaboration on the next cover, but other than that you're free," she answered as she looked over the planner that she was holding making sure she hadn't missed anything.

"Wonderful," Nicki said as she opened the files she was previously working on on her iMac. "What time is my meeting?"

"11:45 and the conference call is at 2:50,"

Nicki gave a quick glance at her watch. "Okay. Thank you, what did you get me today," she asked referring to the coffee Ariane had placed on her desk.

"The usual," she said as she closed her planned again and slowly began heading out. "You need a Monday morning wake up after that weekend,"

"That I do," they both chuckled. "Okay. Could you call Graham in for me please,"

"Okay," and with that Ariane made her way out of her office and off to find Graham. Nicki just continued typing away annotations and adding to the visuals she had made for her next line.

She had managed to build her own brand from scratch to what is is now. She had always grew up with a passion for clothing as a child and as she got older that love for fashion became something more and by the time she finished college she was determined to start her own line and become the boss of a clothing empire.

Not long later there was knock at her door. "Come in," she answered and it was followed by the door opening and Drake walking in. "Morning Aubrey, how are you today?" She looked up and gave him a smile before returning to what she doing.

"I'm good thank you Miss Maraj, and yourself?" He responded.

"I'm great thank you. What have you got for me today?"

"Well I've got some sample materials for the summer collection and some colour scheme ideas for the children's line that you wanted to start working on," he spoke as he held onto his folder and looked at the simple design on it.

She chuckled slightly causing him to look up at her and make direct eye contact. "That's lovely," she looked him up and down and bit her lip causing him to become self conscious. He hated that she had this effect on him. Being she was the boss everyone wanted to be close with her, especially the other male employees of the company, but she only really want one, and that was him. "Are you going to be at the meeting for the summer collection,"

"I wasn't scheduled to be, but I don't see why not,"

"I want you there," she stood up and walked over to him and began fixing his tie. "We need your ideas in this too," she looked up and made eye contact again before placing her hand on his cheek. "I like this beard you're growing out Aubrey, is there a special woman in your life?"

He blushed at her comment, before responding by shaking his head. "I-I'm completely single and focused primarily on my work,". Having her this closed always caused him to lose all of the little confidence he had and she knew she had that effect. That's one of the things she loved about him.

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