Human! Bill Cipher x Reader

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—Art not by me—

Your age - 16
Bill's - who the hell knows??

⚠️Slight trigger warning: Mentions bullying and harassment ⚠️

//Third POV//

You stood over the pentagram-like summoning circle after lighting all the candles.

You wiped your forehead as you smiled satisfyingly at what you've made.

Your 29 year old cousins Dipper and Mabel had told you to never ever summon Bill under any circumstances, but you, being the naive thing you were, found that this was dire.

What was your issue that this dream demon could supposedly solve? Protection.

If you didn't have Dipper, Mabel, The Grunkles and Wendy and Soos, You'd be totally alone.

Everyone at school hated you for literally no reason.

They would throw papers at you, or aim spitballs at you, shove you, call you names behind your back and even in your face.

"Look at freak-show!~l" They'd laugh while you'd just be trying to get through a crowd without talking to anyone.

Well, not anymore.

You'd finally have someone beside your family that would protect you and guide you, and maybe be your friend..?

You read the words on the page of the journal out loud until everything stopped and turned black and white.

A bright light came out of no source and soon revealed what it looked to be a human male.

The man had yellow (too bright to be blonde) hair, shaved on the sides colored black, with fair skin with a black triangular eye patch on his left (your left) eye matching his black gloves and even had a tattoo of his summoning circle on his neck.

He was wearing a white T-shirt with some odd design on it and a yellow flannel with brown lines and he wore black jeans with white, low top, sneakers with little triangles resembling the all seeing eye sketched into the heel and tip of the shoes with what it looked to be pen on the white rubber, sort of like his small push in earnings of the same character.

His right eye was all yellow (not just the pupil, the whole damn eye) and his black pupil was like a cat eye.

He smiled a sharp, toothy grin, his cheeks having a natural rosy tint to them.

"Woah there! You sure caught me on an off-day! Well, since my uniform is in the dry cleaners, I'll have to stick with this more..casual outfit, so please excuse me," He spoke in a two-toned, high pitches tone.

"You..look nothing like the Bill from the journal," You pointed to the more triangular, Illuminati-looking Bill on the paper.

"Well you see, I've been testing out this human body, and now, this meat-sack is starting to grow on me, so I wanna do a little more practice," He bowed down and held out his hand for you to shake, "The names Cipher, Bill Cipher."

"Um, Y/n L/n," You stammered, not knowing what to say.

He kissed your hand softly, "It'll be a pleasure working with you, m'lady."

This act immediately caused you to blush madly.

Of course he had to take on not just a human form, but a cute, almost hot human form.

"Oh? Somebody's blushing~" Bill smiled devilishly.

"No! Look, Bill, I just wanted to ask if could offer some-"

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