Demencia x Female!Reader

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I want to appeal to all audiences in this book so here's an LGBT one shot. Also Demencia deserves a little love, don't ya think?

//Third POV//

Y/n L/n is the new girl in Black Hat's manor.

She was an extra maid, helping 505 clean up and make food.

She always tried to avoid Black Hat as much as possible, knowing something bad would happen if she said something always.

Did I mention she had severe anxiety when it came to Black Hat?

He was that scary to her, poor girl.

Now Demencia, she was the complete opposite, trying to run up to him and kiss him and, or, hug him getting herself usually slammed into a wall as a result.

Nevertheless, she still loved him, being insane after all.

You always felt worried about her, always rushing up to her when she's hurt and mending her wounds if they're not too serious (like the time Black Hat broke her leg).

"Demencia.." You said quietly while wrapping bandages around her forehead.

"Yeah, N/n?" Demencia bounced up and down in her seat.

"I was can you stand the abuse? It's not right! How could you love somebody who hurts you?!" Y/n asked.

"You mean Boss?" She asked, tilted her head like a confused puppy.


"Well, he's super hot..and cool...and.."

"What else is there?" I crossed my arms.

"He's...gee, I guess I don't know right now, N/n!" Demencia did a weak smile.

"Demencia. Do you know what Stockholm-Syndrome means?"

"No. Is it when you overstock when you grocery shop?"

"No. It's when an imprisoned person form an alliance with their captor as a survival strategy, but this can also happen in an abusive relationship, like you and Black Hat," You chose your words wisely, not wanting to confuse Demencia and you knew Black Hat was watching.

"Oh..I'm sure it isn't that!" Demencia smiles.

A new expression could be seen in her eyes, something that you've never seen on her face; Fear.

"Demencia, you're blinded by puppy love. I'm worried for you. I don't want to see you get hurt," You took her hand.

Tears started to fall from Demencia's eyes, "Y-You really think he d-doesn't love me..?"

"I'm sorry, Demencia," Y/n sighed.

"But then..nobody loves me, right?" Demencia looked down.

"That's..that's not entirely true," You rubbed your arm, blushing.

Demencia looked up to you, realizing that you meant yourself.

"Y/ mean..?"

"Yeah, Dem. I've loved you for awhile, and it hurt so much to see you get hurt by the person you loved," You slightly smiled, taking her hand and helping her off the chair she was sitting on.

Y/n kissed her forehead where the bandages were.

"Oh, Y/n!" Demencia cried and jumped into your arms.

You wrapped your arms around her as she cried.

"I think I love you too, Y/n."

Flug walked in, "Y/n, s-sorry to um..interrupt, b-but jefe wants you in his o-office, like, now."

"*Sigh* Of course," You sighed.

Demencia took Y/n's hand, "We're going together."

"B-But jefe said-"

Demencia growled at him, causing him to oblige, "O-Okay, okay!"

As the three of you walked to his office, Flug couldn't help but notice how much Demencia had just changed her mind on Black Hat.

He was honestly happy for her.

"Y/n. Thank you for helping Demencia open her eyes," Flug nodded to you.

"Well, I couldn't stand the way he treated her anymore."

You all soon reached the office, too soon for your liking.

Demencia noticed your nervousness, so she squeezed your hand as the two of you stood in front of the office door, knowing he was waiting.

The two of you walked in, causing Black Hat to scoff, "I only asked for Y/n."

"I'm not going anywhere without her," You hissed, tired of his shit.

"Whatever. I saw your little scene, little confessions. Look, we don't have space in my company for stupid romance shit in my company. You two better stop before-"

"Before what?" Demencia talked back to him for the first time- ever.

"Shut your trap, Demencia, or I'll shut it for you."

"You won't have to," You took off her ID card for Black Hat Organization and placed it on his desk, Demencia then doing the same, ripping off her ankle tracker, "We quit."

"Are you two..Fine! We don't need you two rats ever!"

The two of you left, hand in hand.

You both were happy to finally be safe from the hands of that monster and planned to be by each other's side..


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