Paperhat (birbs request)

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**THANKS SweetBirb **

(You guys may not know but I'm not a very big fan of the ship paperhat, I mean, I respect it but I don't really think it makes sense. If you support it though, no shame to you. Sometimes it can be cute at times.)

//Third POV//

Dr. Slys Flug was at his desk working as always at 3AM.

He could barely keep his head up, yawning quietly and then sighing.

"Almost done aaand.."

He put the last finishing touches on the gravity gun 2.0 and sighed again.

He let his eyes slowly close and his head soon flopped onto the desk he was working at.


Slys lifted his head from his desk that once  was bare and hard now had a pillow slipped under his bagged head.

"W-what?" He murmured.

Flug soon also realized he had a soft blanket laid on him and a cup of joe in front of him, steaming hot.

A little note sat next to the mug of coffee (which was Flug's proffered blend as curtesy)

It said;

Rest for while and get back to work. You're an idiot for working so late, asshole.

And that was it.

No signature, no familiar handwriting.

The handwriting did look awfully familiar though.

"*Sigh* Who would've Done this?" He pondered.

5.0.5 couldn't, he doesn't know English. Besides, he wouldn't be so rude anyways.

And Demencia's too insane to do a thing.

Then that leaves...

'Nah,' Flug rolled his eyes in disbelief.

It was impossible and rather silly to think that his, only his, inconsiderate, angry and downright cruel and dangerous boss would do such a thing, wasn't it?

Flug released himself from the chair he had been slouching on while thinking and stood up, cracked his back and decided to go upstairs to get something to eat.

The manor was surprisingly quiet, or at least to him.

Usually Demencia would be running around tearing up the place and 5.0.5 would be making a mess of kitchen while baking and He, Slys Flug, had to piece everything back together to avoid punishment.

Honestly, it was a relief to see how peaceful the place was for once.

He had a feeling it wouldn't last long.

He walked into the somewhat large kitchen to see 5.0.5 cooking pancakes while humming and Demencia with her head on the counter (which Flug guessed was due to hunger and he was right).

"5.0.5 hurry uuuup...I can't take more of thisss," She whined.

The blue bear scoffed sarcastically while rolling his eyes and took a plate from the shelf and placed two pancakes on top of each other, smothering them with maple syrup, sprinkling on some blueberries (which was Demencia's preference over strawberries) and topped it off with a piece of butter.

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