Chapter 1

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I rush out the door of the burning house hurrying to reach the creek on the other side of the road, where I'd take cover until the firefighter get here to put out the fire. I reach the creek and slowly put my feet in, making sure I don't step on something or slip and fall. I turn my head and look over my shoulder and see my burning house, and then I see a fire truck show up and pull into my driveway and spray water onto my house. I stand up and go back across the rode, my bare feet leaving water marks on the road. A fireman stops me before I go down my driveway, "you can't go there," the man says and I nod my head slowly and sit down at the edge of the road wondering if my parents are ok. I see two firemen hurry into the burning building, and when they come out there are each carrying a body. I run over, disobeying the firemen and see that they are not breathing. One fireman says I'm sorry to me and I kneel down and cry. My house is gone, my parents are gone, and life as I know it, if gone.

After the fire is out the firemen take me to an adoption center and leave me. I walk to a room that I have to share with all of the other girls. I'm the oldest one there, I'm 15. The only thin that made it out if the burning house was my iPod. There were 5 girls sitting on there bed looking at me, so I sit down on my bed and they stared straight ahead. The owner of this place came in and gave everyone a single slice of bread and left. "Is this our supper?" I ask and one nods. I take a bite and then another. I get my iPod out and o on twitter.

Every day on twitter I say how bad we are treated here. Everyday we get only three prices if bread. Every once in a while she takes one of us to the store with her. I ask her for soda to share and she says no. So I steal a candy bar or something. I never get caught. Everyday the girls and boys must clean the adoption shelter. No one ever comes in and tries to adopt us. We get a half hour of iPod time each day. Thankfully she did get me an iPod charger. At night I sneak another two hours of iPod time.

I wake up one morning and sit up. I hear my name being called and I walk out of the bed room I share and there is a woman and a boy, older than me there saying they wanted to adopt me. I smile. The boy walks up to me. "I'm Carter Reynolds. I'm going to be your new brother," he said and I smiled wider and hugged him an said thank you. I ran to the bed room and gathered the few things I had and by the time I got back out to the main room all the paperwork was done and I was ready to leave.

Alex ReynoldsWhere stories live. Discover now