He Stays In Paradise

449 13 6

Your Pov
Panting, sweating from each pore of your skin.


You guys jumped over fences like lambs. 123.

Taking short cuts was worth it so you wouldn't get caught by the cops since they where called on you guys.

Obitos Pov

I was so tired from jumping fences.
My legs hurted badly from running too much and doing shit overall all day and I was on the edge of passing out since I hadn't eaten all day.

Anyways, we where on our last wall hop and I decided to jump the wall last.

The persons house was decorated like if he/she was from texas.

It had a desert themed backyard with cactus and I think fake bull skulls.. but hey, nice house.

'I hope someday I'll buy my moms dream house even though shes not here on this world with me anymore.' I thought to myself

Anyways, we pushed Itachi first over the wall, then pushed naruto, then Sasuke, then (y/n), and finally Shisui.

Me and Shisui got to see the owner step out his house with a gun.

Seemed like the man (owner) was going to commit suicide though, because he was pacing back and forth for a while on his porch with the gun pointed against his head, way before he even saw us.

"Cmon, I'm right behind ya." I told Shisui with a smile as I kneeled down on one knee to give him a boost, to jump over the wall.

Shisuis Pov

I jumped over the wall and waited for Obito.

He threw his skateboard over and his mask and i picked it up waiting for him.

"Hey Obito hurry up-" I was interrupted and a serious facial expression wiped suddenly on my face.

a gun shot went off.

Crows flew away from the trees above me

Crows flew away from the trees above me

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"Obito? obiiitoo? Cmon hurry up. Well be waiting for you up ahead. " I said ignoring the fact I heard a gunshot.

I didn't wanna believe something happened to Obito.

I placed his skateboard and the red luchadore mask on-top his board that he took from the party on the floor right next to the brick wall he helped me jump over and began to catch up to everyone else.

To be continued...

thanks for reading babes! 💗
Sorry it was short but I wanted to post something right before I went to sleep!!


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