Magic Mushrooms

501 16 18

Your Pov

Obito, Itachi, Shisui and you where walking in front of the church on the sidewalk

"There it is.." Obito said as he pointed to the church

"Right.. all we have to do is wait for Sakuras mom to come out and-" Shisui says as he gets inturrupted by itachi

"Wait isn't that her coming out.." Itachi says as he points

You gasped.

"Cmon" Shisui pulled you and Itachi and Obito ran in the same direction as us.

The four of you hid behind a bush waiting for Sakuras mom to leave the area.

She then stopped in front of the bush You where hiding behind and started to light a cigarette.

She looked around for a moment and started to walk.

All of a sudden Itachi slips as we are squatting behind a bush.
Don't know how.
But he always manages to do something dumb.

Anyways, Itachi made a grunt and you peaked over the bush, when Sakuras mom turned around.

You ducked under the bush quickly, looking over at Itachi. Obito Covered Itachis mouth with his hand.

You then sat in silence for about 3 minutes and finally decided to peak over once again.

In a far distance you could see Sakuras mom walking down the street.

You sighed and stood up, following along Itachi, Obito, and Shisui.

"If it weren't for you being my friend ide slice you into bits." You faced Itachi

"Whoah Man, Sorryyy" Itachi apologized in a valley girl tone/voice

You frowned and gave a death stare at Itachi.

"Uhh... Kay.. Ima go stand over there." Itachi says as he walks over to Shisui and stands behind him.

Then you saw someone else come from a distance.

"Aw Man, do you think it's Sakuras mom again?" Itachi says as he squints his eyes thinking it would help him see any further.

"Can't be.." Obito says

"Guys, whats The plan anyways?" You asked changing the subject

"Well.. What if we just snatch her out?" Obito suggests

"No.. to risky.. How about if we-" Shisui says as he gets interrupted 

In the corner of your eye you saw someone's hand reach out to shisuis shoulder and tapped it.

The four of you turned around and saw a man in a pink hat and a pink shirt, holding a black squared bag. Seemed more of a uniform.

"Hey, by any chance.. are any of you guys named John Ray?" The man asked

"If it's pizza... Yup that's me." Itachi says out of no where

"Oh great. I have 2 pizzas you ordered... itll be a solid 20" the man says

"Haalrightt." itachi reaches in his front pocket and pulls out his wallet and  a 20 then  hands it to the man.

The man then took 2 pizza boxes out of the black bag.

"How much for your hat?" Shisui steps in asking.

"Uh.. 10." The man says unsure why Shisui wants his hat

Shisui hands the money to the dude and the dude gave him his hat.

The man then leaves.

"Guys. I just figured out a way to get Sakura out of there ." Shisui says smirking.

"We ditch her." Itachi says proudly

Shisui looks at Itachi "No idiot"

Then, Itachi, Obito and you looked at each other in confussion

"Uh...., did you bring Any shrooms today?" Shisui turns to Itachi asking him

"Mann.. you always know I carry them on me why you asking." Itachi responds smiling

"Great. Hand me them." Shisui demands

Itachi reaches his back pocket and pulls out a clear plastic bag with mushrooms in them and hands it to Shisui.

Shisui laid mushrooms on one of the pizzas  and we kept the other one for ourselves.

"Alright I'll be right back with a special delivery." Shisui says as he puts the mans pizzeria hat on and takes the pizza he laid the shrooms on.

~~~~~ minutes later ~~~~~~

"Ugh, how much longer do we have to be standing out here for?" You asked desperately

"Usually it takes about 10 minutes for it to kick in but for beginners-" Itachi explains as he gets inturrupted by a loud laughter Coming from inside the church

"Sweet dude... Got em!" Obito blurts out

Soon you saw Shisui and Sakura running out the church.

"Run!" Sakura yells

"Huh?"  Itachi asked

Then you saw a nun coming out yelling after Shisui and Sakura.

"Oh shit dude.
Bitch!" Itachi yelled out throwing a soggy piece of pizza at the nuns face

You all then started running away...

To be Continued...
Thanks for reading loves hope you enjoyed! 💞🐥

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