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Not important just putting it out there:
Go Follow @ShisuiUchihha
On Instagram. Yesssir it is me *Wink*


Your Pov:

It was about 10:47Am.

You where at the Library trying to research back in time shit.

You where sitting at a table by yourself at the back of the library.

You couldn't find anything related to what's happening to you at the moment.

"This shit wack as fuck." You mumbled .

But someone heard you since it was very quiet.

An Old Lady, Who was a librarian Responded in shock
"Excuse me young lady?" She says

"Uh.. okay.. Your excused." You got up from the table, looked at her and ran out the library.

'Wait.. if I'm a kid.. That means Shisui Is too! And that means he's not band from the village!' You thought to yourself.

You squealed in happiness as you walked down the street.

People looked at you weird.

'Fuck they staring at' you thought to yourself as you stood in place and glared back farrowing your brows at people.

'Pfft. Whatever man' you kept walking. Then you thought about Shisui and you began to Skip around the village.

'Okay.. so that means the Uchiha Clan village is still intact. Hmm.. now where is that at...' you asked yourself. You began to look around.

'Ahh... should be here... but let me get some Dongo First.' You said.

Dongo makes you remember about Shisui.

... 8 minutes Later...

'Here ya go. Dongo... Hold up.. Is that... Itachi? Oh shit, He's so adorable as a kid. Ah.. Focus (Y/N) your here for one thing and only. Shisui... And Dongo. Well might as well just eat it with Itachi if he's here by himself.' You explained to yourself.

You stood in line, aside Itachi. He was ordering Dongo. He took some money out his pocket. He looked down, he didn't seem to have enough to pay for it.

'Great This Is My Chance-' you te cut off from your thoughts.

"Hah. It's alright I got you." You couldn't Beleive it. But it was Shisui. He payed for itachis Dongo and also ordered some for himself.

"Uh.." you stretched your hand out to shisui as he left with Itachi.

"Miss.. Miss?" The cashier lady caught your attention.

"Oh yes, Ill have whatever they just bought" you pointed to shisui and Itachi as they left.

"Aha...." the lady gave you a look. To you it signified 'bitch wtf'.

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