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Just if you wanted to know.. the title says 'Black Ink' in Chinese lol

Your Pov:

Time went flying.

You where anxious about getting the tickets within an hour on time.

Everyone went their separate ways including you.

——— Minutes Later——-

it was 8:27pm already and you had nothing.

But things started to turn around when you found yourself in an ally.

It was an entrance to go Inside the concert from the backside.

Their was merchandise going In and out the door; drums, guitars, etc.

You then spotted a truck where they took things out, to take them inside.


"Hey what are you doing here leave immidietly. This is an area only for employees." A man said

"Oh hi, I start my first day today, what can I help out with." You said with a smile

"Hm... get one of the drum set prices and take it inside." The man suggested.

"Yessssirrr" You said contently

'Can't Believe this is actually Kiss's drums' you thought to yourself happily

You then continued rolling a drum inside the building.

As you entered the building you could see a stacked up mountain of champagne drinks on a table for guests, the lights shined as bright as the moon and It was a two story building so you could hear footsteps above you.

It was a very fancy place indeed. The theme was gold. You could see people in tuxedos and elegant dresses.

But if it's a concert why? You may ask.

'Not sure' you thought to yourself.

Anyways, you proceeded to walk as a man with a clipboard stopped you.

"And who are you may I ask?" The man asked you concerned

"I uh.. I work- I mean I'm doing my job duh." You said trying to convince the man

"Aha... whats your name?" The man says as he flips through his clipboard papers.

You looked around to look for some ideas. There was a poster on your left and you spotted the word Kelly. Then you continued to look around and heard someone say griffin

"Kelly. Kelly Griffin..." you said confidently

The man squinted his eyes at you.

"But Kelly I don't have you on my Roll sheet." The man said pulling out a walky talkie from his back pocket

"I'm new of course. Just started today."
You continued trying to convince the man

"Right.. Excuse me for a second Ms. Griffin, I'll be right back." The man said walking away with a smile

You stood their and placed the drum down on the floor. You thought you got away with it until you heard from a distance...

"That's her, She's a fake Employee. Arrest her!" The same man from a while ago said walking towards you, pointing at you with two security guards aside of him.

Your eyes widened as you got spooked and you picked up the drum and threw it at them.

You then ran upstairs as fast as you could bumping into fancy people.

"Move out the way musty bitches." You said while running through a hall way.

You got to the elevators and clicked on each one to go downstairs. You turned around and you could see securities pointing at you and then running towards you.

You then left running into another hallway since the elevator didn't open in time.

You could see the stairs to go downstairs from a distance but you also saw a couple more of securities running up stairs.

You tried running back as well but you where surrounded by securities.

You decided to jump off the 1st floor to the second floor.

You got on the wooden white rail/fence and jumped down.

You fell on top of two girls, knocking down the mountain of champagne drinks on the way.

You got up quickly then ran out the front door limping.

" Eat This" you yelled as you put your hand on your crotch area, running outside

To be continued...


Will post another one later, don't worry.

Thanks for reading babes! 😩💞

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