Chapter 2

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I walk through the double doors and into the crowd. Why is it so crowded? What's the rush? It's only school. Ugh. People these days.

I push past them and make my way to the cafeteria. I sit down at my usual table and put my head in my hands.

So. Tired. Need. Sleep. I'm early today so all my friends that usually wake me up aren't here yet. great.

A pair of arms wrap around me and wakes me up from almost going to sleep. I jump a little, unaware of what's happening.

"Hi Tabitha! You look unhappy. wae?" I can tell by the cheery high pitched voice that it's my best friend Samantha.

I explain to her that I'm not unhappy and that i'm just simply tired. Exhausted. Pooped. Not everyone can be as awesome as her.

She's almost always so happy in the morning. How does she do it? These morning people are fucking talented!

I smile at her as she sits down at my table. We don't talk much after that. We both pull out our phones and listen to music while playing Don't Step The White Tile. That game is so addicting.

We aren't necessarily allowed to use our phones during school. But no one cares. After a while it's not even a rule anymore. Since no one is following it. If you don't see someone with a phone then that means that they don't have one.

Next Shamaryah walks to our table. She has her ear buds in. She puts her volume on full blast to block everything else out. So don't even bother saying hi.

She gives a nod as she sits down and we do the same. This is pretty much how we communicate.

Katherine and Ariel walk together down the aisles of tables. Ari says hi to us with a big bright smile on her face but Katherine just walks straight by?

"Aren't you going to say hi rudeness?" I yelled at her. She turned around and grumpily said "Hey".

Katherine is not a morning person. And she is easily angered and very opinionative. She is the grumpy one of the group. And sometimes very scary. But we love her all the same.

Ari on the other hand is a whole other story. She is the goody goody of the group or GG as we like to call it. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body. And she won't do anything that is considered bad. Sometimes it can be annoying but we all know we can trust her with anything.

Ari and Kat always hang together. They are complete opposites! I guess it's true, opposites do attract.

Across the room Danielle and Nyle are waving towards us from across the room. They don't sit with us in the morning, which is fine, because they are with at almost every other part of the day.

Dani is the inappropriate one out of the group. She has no problem talking about anything sexual or saying something that would usually come up in an adult conversation. But she is really funny.

Nyle is the one we would pretty much sacrifice first if we had too. Sometimes he can be really annoying and what not. Something about him just urks the hell out of some of us. But he grew on us over the summer so whatever.

Dani and Nyle are always hanging out together. They seriously look like the perfect couple. They flirt all the time but don't notice it. They are inseparable and get upset when they don't talk to each other for more then 5 minutes. They even call each other bae.

But no they aren't dating. They are just "best friends". Best friends my ass. More like friends with benefits.

And they are dating other people...

BUT THAT'S none of my business. 

The security officers blow there whistles. Which means that we have 2 minutes to walk to our lockers from the cafeteria and into our homeroom. And for me it's a constant struggle. My locker is not close to my homeroom.

So I rush past the crowd with my friend Sam and make it to my locker. She passes my locker to get to hers so we usually walk together.

I get my things for the next few periods and start walking to my homeroom with Shamaryah.

Me and Shamaryah have the same homeroom and we have fun. Homeroom is fun because we don't do anything. Plus our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Watson, is the best. She believes that we should use our phones for school. Amen.

The school day went by slow. Most of the teachers were annoying and the work was just... no.

The best period was last period at math. You may be thinking that math would be the worst period but not in my case.

No it's not the teacher. In fact the teacher is really old. I'm pretty sure she took her drivers license on a dinosaur.

And it's not the work. Because she piles us with work. I am in honors math so she pushes us more. She believes that we can get through one lesson per day. Whatever.

What makes that period fun is my friends. Sam, Mar Mar, Dani, and Nyle. Funniest bitches I will ever meet. They make that period so much fun.

Other students look at us like we are crazy but whatever. We are having fun and that's all that matters. They can work in silence but I don't work that way. 

At 2:10 bus students leave. I rush out of my class and make a quick trip to my locker so I can beat the crowd to the double doors.

My bus driver is always trying to be early and it kills me. I want to hang with my friends after school but my bus schedule wont allow it. Once she pulls off she's not stopping for anyone.

I say bye to my friends and I exchange glances at my crush.

He's mixed like me and very tall. And I'm pretty tall for a girl so that's attractive.  He's one year older than me. I'm in 9th grade and he's in 10th.

His name is Nasier. He knows me but doesn't know me. I know it's confusing but if you have ever been in this situation then you know what I'm talking about.

I rush to my bus and look out the window the whole ride home. I'm the first stop so it's awkward walking out first.

I speed walk home. I can't wait to eat some food.

Sometimes it scares me about how fat I can be.


Author's Note:

Hey Lovelies.

Sorry about the slow updates. I just want to make this story the best it can be and I want longer chapters. Or as my bestfriend says "chappies" xD

I think I may steal that from her.

Stay happy :)


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