Chapter 6

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Sam's P.O.V


Today is a painful day. I couldn't talk or anything. I'm usually happy but today I wasn't feeling it. My friends weren't doing well either.

When school was over I walked as fast as I can while hurt to my bus. I wanted to go home as soon as possible. But I barely ever say that.

But no my day became even worse. My bus broke down and all they had left were those special buses. I, Samantha. Had to ride home in a short bus. Embarrassing.

I thought that when I got home things will get better but it didn't. My step mom came home early for some reason. She is so mean and controlling. All she does is complain.

She kept bothering me about my makeup and she thinks I'm trying to impress some guy.

I tried to tell her that that's not the case but then she just twisted my words and said that I'm talking back.

I really wanted to tell her off and tell her what really happened but I couldn't.

So that night I went up to my room without dinner. I didn't really mind because I was in too much pain to eat.

I start drifting to sleep when I had a dream. Its about the accident in the woods. Then I saw the earth moving and rising. A single shadow controlling rocks and the land around it. Then darkness came. But out of the darkness came 7 shadows.

I woke up panting and sweating. Not because I was scared but because I became really hot.

In fact I'm burning up!

I held my head as I had a major head ache. Then I opened my eyes and I was in the living room. What?!

I started freaking out. So I thought of a happy place to calm me down. I thought of the beach.

Then I started to smell salt and I thought I heard the ocean crash. And I don't think I'm standing on solid ground anymore.

I open my eyes and I gasp and fall back. Im at the beach!

When I fell back on the sand it started to rise and move.

What is happening?

Then I started getting used to it. This is actually kind of fun. I got the hang of it. I started making sand castles rose the sand high enough that I can see the whole beach. When I went back down I saw the ocean. I wonder if I can control that too.

I smirk as i run towards it. When I reach the ocean I don't stop running and I started running on top of the ocean.

This is amazing!

But I really need to get home. How do I get back?

I remembered how I thought of the beach and got here. So maybe if I remember my room I will go back.

I start thinking about my bed and my curtains and everything I posses and how it's arranged.

Next thing you know I'm in my room! Hopefully this isn't just a dream. I would want this to last forever. 


Author's Note:

Hi Lovelies!

I hoped you liked my chappie cx . I'm pretty proud of it. I thought it would be cool doing P.O.V's. Updates are actually coming faster then I thought.

Stay Happy cx



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