[26] Phase Two

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I sit in the drivers seat gripping on the steering wheel. My stomach is filled with butterflies and my head is overflowing with worries and doubts.
"Are we going to go or...?" Asked Nyle impatiently.
"Just-!" I yelled while gripping the wheel. I took a deep breath, "I just need a minute." I said calmly.
I put my head on the wheel and started to clear my mind. I felt myself becoming less tense. Once I was back to a neutral set of mind I looked back at Ari. She was still unconscious, limp in the back seat with her head resting on the window of the car.
"Okay let's do this." I whisper to myself. I start the car and pull off. It was very quiet on the way to the hospital. I assumed we were all nervous so I did not want to break the silence.
I pulled into the parking lot of Virtua Hospital and set the car into park. I was afraid that if I stayed in the car any longer I would change my mind and leave. So I opened the door and climbed out of the car and so did Samantha. We adjusted our sunglasses and arm in arm started walking towards the doors. When we came inside we drew the attention of others because of how formal we dressed. We made our way to the front desk, our heels clacking the whole way. When we reached the desk we un linked our arms.
"Excuse me mam'?" I asked the lady at the desk.
"Do you have an appointment?" She asked me without looking up from her desk top.
"No we do not." Samantha said.
She looked us up and down and gave us a look as if she thought we were snobby. She slapped a slip of paper on the counter with a number on it. "You two are going to have to wait like everyone else." She pointed her pen towards the waiting room. It was so crowded that the seats were taken up and everyone else stood. Some were leaning on the walls and others were standing near the door obviously not wanting to be squished like a pack of sardines.
Me and Samantha gave each other a look. "Sure." I stated calmly while picking up the slip with the number 56 on it.
I looked down at her nails typing away at her keyboard. They were painted red with a silver accented nail on her ring fingers. "Oo I really like you nails. I'm so envious. May I see them?" I asked nicely beaming out a smile.
She looked at me awkwardly, "um sure.." She said slowly while putting her hand into mine.
I looked closely at her nails, "You're going to get us a room right now. You're going to put us down as Stephanie Collins and your going to mark us as if we have an appointment. Your going to tell me our room number, assign us one of your best doctors, and your going to get us a strong male nurse to assist us." Her eyes turned blank while she processed her orders.
I tightened my grip on her hand and smirked, " Also, I don't like the way you look at us. When your done, give yourself a break and drink from the toilet. Preferably one that wasn't flushed. Also, we were never here."
I let go and looked at Sam who was currently suppressing a laugh.
Right away the lady started typing on her computer, doing what she was told. After she finished, she picked up the desk phone and called a guy named Tom up to the front. Soon enough a tall muscular, and quite handsome, man in a nurse outfit came. He looked at the desk lady and then at us. "What can I be of assistance for?" He asked kindly.
I bent my right knee and held my leg and at the same time Samantha helped me stay on me feet just as planned. "I need help walking to my room." I looked at the desk lady.
"Room 36." She said blankly.
"Okay right this way." He pointed us down the hallway and wrapped an arm around me as support. I limped away being assisted by Tom and Sam down the long hall way. I looked back just in time to see desk lady head to the bathroom.
"You are going to help us to room 36 then you are going to get a stretcher and come back and walk with us to the parking lot toward my car. You are going to help a girl onto the stretcher and take her back to our room, room 36. Then you will not remember what has just happened." I feel his arm tense as I speak out his orders. We reach room 36 and once we get inside he leaves into the hallway once again.
Sam and I sit in the chairs taking deep breathes while we wait for his arrival. So far the plan is working out wonderfully.
We sit for about 5 minutes when I hear a voice. "Hey Tom. Why do you have a stretcher?"
I stand and walk down the hallway in the direction of the voice. When I get there I see an old man who's balding at the top with a mustache and a doctors coat on. I touch is shoulder. "Go away and do not remember this."
He does as he is told and me and Tom go back to the room where we meet with Sam and go out towards the parking lot. Thankfully no one else confronts us as to what we are doing.
We walk out into the parking lot and approach the car. As we get closer, Nyle gets out and opens the door. He picks up ari like she is a feather and places her on the stretcher with ease.
Once she is safely strapped on, we walk back inside. This time with everyone. When we reach our room, Tom goes away and Nyle places Ari into the hospital bed. Someone pushes the stretcher back into the hall way and we all sit down around Ari. Some of us in chairs and the other on the floor. Im one of those on the floor.
It seems like forever waiting for the doctor to arrive. Once he does, I am the one who stands. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey Doc." I smile. "That girl over there is now your favorite patient. She is your first priority." I point at Ari who is still unconscious. "Analyze her, fix her, then give us the diagnosis."
He just stands there for a second with blank eyes. Then suddenly his eyes brightens again.
"Hello I'm Dr. Dan." He looks over Ari and then turns back to us. "I'll get the nurses and see what the problem is." He checks his list. "Stephanie Collins?"
"Yes that's me." I say formally.
"Okay I'll be right back." And swiftly leaves the room.
I let out my breath and look around the room at my companions.
"We're doing it guys." I smile.
And they smile back.

~ Author's Note~
Hey lovelies~
Sorry it's been a while since I've updated. Hope you enjoy this chappie!

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