Chapter 12

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Phoenix Force


That night I had the strangest dream. It was about what happened by the creek in the forest. It hurt just thinking about it.

This dream was so real. So vivid. It was like I was reliving every moment. Scary.

But only this dream wasn't totally based on what happened that day. There was something different in this dream.

There was a shadow. It rose off the ground. Levitating. Then every thing began to swirl around it. Everything around it became destroyed. It was so powerful.

I woke up sweating. The dream wasn't even that scary.  So i stood in front of the fan for a minute. I must be hot.

Standing in front of the fan didn't help at all. All it did was make my eyes burn.

So instead I went to the bathroom to put cool water on my face. That usually works.


My eyes were completely black!

It was so scary looking. What is happening?!

Suddenly I heard the phone ring. It was my mom. She wanted me to pick something up from the store around the corner.

Great. I have to go in public like this.

I put my shoes on and a pair of sun glasses.

On my way out I noticed i forgot my key. I saw my cat meowing at my feet. I bent down to pet him. While doing so I joked around and asked him if he can get my keys.

He suddenly ran to my room.

Wow thanks Whiskers. I feel the love.

Just as quick as he left he came back with my keys in his mouth.

Oh. Thanks. When did you become so obedient. And how do you know English?

Slightly scared I walked out the door. Maybe it will be good to get some fresh air. I think I'm going crazy.

On the way to the store I pass the woods. That place creeped me out before. But now it does more than creep me out.

That's when I saw a dog. Hi doggy. Nice doggy. I backed away slowly.

Then he started running toward me full speed.

Oh no. Not again.

The only place I could run to at the time was the forest. I ran as fast as I can until I was sure he wasn't chasing me anymore.

I took a minute to catch my breath and decided to make my way back to the store. But then I had a major headache. I held my head in pain.

Then I started to rise and I closed my eyes tightly. Afraid of what is currently happening.

Something forced the sunglasses off my face. And my eyes bursted open with force as things started to rise and levitate around me. Then everything was being turned into pure ash.

Then it abruptly stopped. I was thrown down to the ground. This can't be happening right now.

I was surrounded by ash. Trees around me were missing.

I took out my phone and put on the front facing camera. Oh my god. My eyes were still black. Good thing my sun glasses weren't destroyed.

I put them on and hurried to my destination to pick up what my mom needed and went back home. By that time my sister was home from school.

I went inside and put my moms package down.

My sister was on the couch watching girl meets world. I came up to her, put my hand on her shoulder and asked her if she can pour me a glass of apple juice. I was exhausted.

She got up blankly and poured me a glass. After she handed it to me she looked confused.

"Wasn't I just sitting on the couch?" she asked.

Yeah. But then I asked you to give this to me and you did.

She completely denied it.

Wait a second. Is it because I touched her. Maybe I can make living things do what I say when I touch them.

I touched her on the shoulder and told her to give me $5. She put on that blank expression again and did what I said. Only snapped out of it right after.

Hey here's $5. I offered.

She looked shocked. But she didn't question me. She just took the money.

This is too cool.

I went in my room and went straight to my computer. I want to know what happened to me in the woods.

I googled my symptoms and all that came up was a bunch of x- men stuff. I gave up and just pressed on a  link. It was going on and on about Jean from the movie and her mutant power.

That must be what I have then. Maybe something supernatural happened at the creek.

I looked up the name of Jean's power. It was called Phoenix Force.

Hmmm... So I have Phoenix Force and the power to persuade one through touch. Awesome.

I wonder if this is happening to the others.

I quickly grabbed my phone and told them to meet me at our usual hang out place.

They were hesitant but agreed.

Whatever  is happening I'm about to get to the bottom of it.

Ew... I'm starting to sound like Nancy Drew.


Author's Note:

Hi Lovelies!

Hope you liked my chappie.

Please excuse any grammatical errors. I'm not feeling like proof reading.

Sorry for the slow updates.

Stay Happy cx


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