Chapter 4

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Shhh....Nothing Happened


"leave me lone," I mumble.

I'm being shaken awake.

I start falling back to sleep when I start to hear voices. Mar Mar? Sam? That's when I realize that I'm not at home. And I start remembering what happened.

I jump up and panic. I'm going to be in so much trouble. My parents will never trust me to go anywhere ever again if they find out.

I pull out my phone to check the time. Good. I've only been out for 5 minutes.

I look around to make sure everyone's okay. Mar Mar and Sam keep trying to make sure I'm okay. Dani is complaining to Nyle. And Ari is freaking out.

I walk away from Mar Mar and Sam to chill Ari out. I tell her its going to be alright as long as she keeps her mouth shut.

I may have said it a little rudely but I know that she'd be the one to tell her parents.

Thankfully she didn't take it the wrong way and instead took a deep breath and nodded.

I tell everyone to come gather around and they did. I explained to them that we cant tell anyone what happened here. "We are all fine and that's all that matters. We are just a little sore. You can say that we had to run track at gym. Everything will be fine. But we should really get home before our parents start to question us."

They all agreed and we started walking back to the track. We walked faster then we did walking in. The last thing we wanted was another accident. I think we all will be traumatized from this experience.

When we got back to the track we took a break and pulled out our cell phones. We looked in our front view camera and fixed ourselves up. Making sure that we covered up any evidence.

Then we said our goodbyes. We all gave each other hugs. Big tight ones. Because now our eyes are open to the fact that we could of died and lost each other. With that we go our separate ways.

I keep replaying what happened earlier in my head. I shivered from the thought. I shook my head trying to forget about it.

I must have walked faster the I thought because I'm already home. I walk to the front door and just stand there.

" Nothing Happened. It was just an ordinary day. We will be fine. Nothing is wrong. It never happened." I kept replaying that in my head. But no matter how many times I kept saying that I always knew.

Something did happen. Today was out of the ordinary. I wont be fine. I may never be the same. We may never be the same. It did happen.

I just have to hide the fact to other people. I am a good actor or liar. This is a good time to use that skill.

I take a deep breath and open the door.




"Mom! I'm home!"

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