[25] Breaking and Entering With Temporary Borrowing

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They all looked at me. All of them counting on me to save one of our own. Many different emotions are plastered on there faces. There sadness turned to confusion which changed into anger. I see it happening. If I don't save her then their anger will turn into hate. And we do not want that.
I took a deep breath, " We are going to take her to the hospital. To do so we need to use our powers to make sure they don't find out who we are. It will be difficult and risky but I think we all agree that it is worth it." Everyone nodded around me.
I explained the plan further and they all agreed to go through with it. We all got in the car and sat Ari up in the back seat. I took a look at her leg. It wasn't in the right place.
"Im on it." She said knowingly. She bent down towards Ari and felt around her injured leg. Once she knew what she was dealing with she held a tight grip. I quickly turned around knowing what would happen next. I heard a loud crack and I cringed.
"Done." Samantha stated while sitting back in her seat.
I nodded and went into the drivers seat putting the car in ignition. I drove off to our first stop, The beauty store.
I sat in the parking lot, getting myself together.
"You know that what we are about to do is illegal right? As in we could get arrested and it will stay with us our entire lives." Nyle stated.
I roll my eyes, "yes thank you officer." I take a deep breath. " are you guys ready for this?"
I hear a "hell yes!" In the back and I automatically know it came from Shamaryah. I smile and so do the others.
We get out the car and approach the doors. It's dark inside and no one is in there... Yet.
"Remember, don't touch the doors or anything. We don't want our finger prints everywhere."
Shamaryah cupped her mouth and let out a small short scream. Then we heard shatters of glass. But it wasn't from the windows, it's from the security cameras inside.
Now that the cameras are down, Sam put her hand on Kat's shoulder and transported inside. I would have Samantha pick the locks but we don't want her finger prints on the handle so Kat is going to guide a metal pin with her powers using sam's guidance on picking locks to get the front doors open.
I see them looking closely at the tiny hole in the door. After what felt like 5 minutes we heard a click. I smiled at the first sign of success and Katherine used her powers to open the doors so no one has to touch it.
When we walked in, it was very dark. This would be a good time to have light powers. Poor Ari. I looked around letting my eyes adjust.
We walked around trying not to bump into anything. Did anyone fine the switch yet?
"No one thought to bring a flashlight?" Dani said while trying not to touch anything.
"Oh crap." Said Kat as she stopped.
"What?" I asked looking at her worried that somehow we did something wrong.
Then she took out her phone and turned on the flashlight. I smiled. "Saved by technology."
Everyone took out their phones and shined its light around.
"Stop pointing that at me!" Shamaryah said aggravated.
"My bad." Nyle said while shining his light else where.
"Found it!" Exclaimed Dani.
I moved towards her voice happily. Kat turned on the switch and the whole place lit up. I put my hand over my eyes while it adjusted once again.
"Alright guys. Let's dress up." I said while they dispersed into the store. "Remember. Whatever you touch put it in the plastic bag in your pocket."
I walked through aisles grabbing items that can conceal my identity. So far in my bag I have makeup, a wig, an outfit, sunglasses, and fake press on nails.
I walked through the store one more time and grabbed a hand held mirror.
I then started my search for Shamaryah. Luckily she wasn't very far because we don't have much time. Once i found her I patted her twice on the back and walked back to the front doors while she followed. When we stood in front of the store Shamaryah let out a low pitched siren scream which signaled the others. While we waited I noticed something in the corner of my eye. I walked up to it and cursed at myself when I found out what it was. I should've known that there would be a security system. Im so stupid. Mia would be a great help right now. Where is she?
When the others arrived I called for Nyle who quickly destroyed it with his laser beams.
"Alright let's head out." I said while leaving this place behind. Everyone followed except mar who broke one of the windows with her screams in a way that the police will think it was just a mere robbery.
Meanwhile we stood outside getting ready. Sam transported Nyle to the back of the building since he was the only guy and we had to change. When Sam came back we all started changing as fast as we could. I put on a dress with wedges and put my regular clothes in another bag in the trunk. I pulled my hair back and put my wig on. Then I took my mirror and applied my makeup that slightly changed my skin color. Then I added sunglasses and fake nails as the finishing touch.
I looked in the mirror and then turned to look at the others who were done. The plan is going well so far. We look like someone else.
When we were all done Sam brought Nyle back.
"Wow you girls look professional." He said looking around.
"Good now go." I stated while handing him the bags of stuff we um.. Borrowed temporarily.
Sam then transported away into the woods with Nyle so he can destroy them. Then Sam will bury it with her earth powers.
Meanwhile we sat in the car waiting for their arrival. I started the car waiting impatiently. I really wanted to get out of these heals. I took a deep breath as I heard the door opening, knowing that they had come back. I can't help but worry about what will happen next. This was the easy part of the plan.

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