Final days...but for who?

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"You ready, we're just going to go and talk to him first."

"And if that doesn't work?" Jason looks at me. "Seriously Neveah, if something looks like trouble, we are out of there and we wait for the others."

"Got it." This is it the steps to my grandfather's house is just beyond this bridge. He likes to be secluded from everyone and lives alone. He killed my grandmother when she wouldn't be his sex slave anymore, she was a kind woman. I only met her once, but she was lovely and then when I got home I found out that she had died. 

"Don't worry I'm right here." Jason takes my hand and we start to cross the bridge leading to my grandfather's house. 



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I pray to the Moon Goddess that I can prevent this war and bring peace to the world

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I pray to the Moon Goddess that I can prevent this war and bring peace to the world. The fate of the human and supernatural world is in my hands.

"Baby its going to be okay, we're all here for you."

"Thanks, let's go." I knock once and then twice and no answer until a small child comes to the door, the child looks to be about 3 or 4 years old. Then I hear a loud booming voice and following behind him is a woman who looks like she could be my Mother.

"Ah Neveah, how lovely of you to come. I want you to meet someone, this is Beth, my wife. I see you met Keila."

"Yes, and I would like you to meet someone as well. This is my......" Jason butts in and finishes my sentence.


"Jason." I nudge him a little and he knows what that means. Immediately I mind link him

'Why did you tell him that?'

'I don't know, maybe he will take your plea more to heart if he knew we were more than boyfriend and girlfriend.'

'But we aren't.'

'I know, but when this is over I will ask you to make it official."

He rubs my back and his touch calms all my worry and doubt. Jason and I walk in the house and I turn to glance back to see the others in the forest as back up in case anything goes wrong. 

Agneepath (Love never gives up)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu