All its takes is one look

45 1 0

"Run, just run, you know what they'll do if they catch us." I looked at her frantically and stood up and began to run and run run run all the way into..........................


Right into a pole, man, that hurt. I told Miracle to keep running and after a few words of my speech of 'why she should go and leave me' she finally ran and hid just when the guys and their bimbo hoes of girlfriends found me on the ground in front of a pole.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here, the little minx. Should we just leave her, or beat her."

"I vote we beat her, teach her not to mess with my man." I heard one of them say before planting a sloppy wet one on his lips. 

**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************8 hours earlier

It was the morning of the last day of summer and while on my brothers and my sister was enjoying their mates, I had the constant reminder that I was mateless and was probably never going to find my second chance mate. But with myself and my siblings going to a new University we can only hope that I find my mate so that I can at least experience the same happiness that they are experiencing because right now it sucks. When I dream of my name I dream of soft hair long and flowy with waves in between tall but not too tall, she has to be athletic but if not then that's okay she also has to love to cook because me and her I'm going to be cooking a lot in the kitchen.

"Hey, Jas."

"Hi, Charlie."

"The crew and I are going to the fair downtown, you want to come? I promise there won't be any lovie dovie stuff."

"Y'all don't have to stop on account of me." I appreciate what my family is trying to do but believe it or not their happiness is actually part of my happiness they spent so much time trying to bring me happiness when Mom and Dad would go on business trips, that they lost out on their happiness and now I want to return the favor.


A new semester, I can't wait. Ever since our school got a new president and it's finally a female and she's for our department, I feel like something big is going to happen this year I can feel it. Don't get me wrong this school is amazing but I go through the same routine every day. Class, library, class lunch, free time, then classes til I go home. Oh, yea and a couple of run-in with bullies along the way. Oh, yea I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Neveah or Veah for short. I am not your average skinny white girl, I am a strong black woman, or maybe half black I do have some Latina in me and some Jamaican blood.

I am 5'9, a tomboy, never been into girly girl stuff. I am a plus size chick with big thighs a little pudge of a muffin top, but other than that I'm perfect, My hair is auburn with blonde streaks in it, and I have blue eyes and long legs, in fact, I think those are my best asset well besides my ass. That's what makes money come to me. 

I am not only a student, but I am a dancer for a nightclub, it pays well and I would hate to lose this job unless something else comes along.....or someone.


"Veah, come down please."

"Coming ma." That's ma, she's awesome, shes mother to our pack, The Silver Eclipse pack, and mother to 6 kids. I don't know how she and Dad did it, but we turned out okay for a pack of dogs, lol. She is still active for 55 years old, she and my father go running every morning and still act like a couple of teenagers just meeting for the first time. 

"Veah, you know what day it is." 

"I know, the day I find my mate, I don't want one. All the guys are sleaze balls."

"You tell 'em sis." My brother Zach says as he comes downstairs.

"Veah, all I'm saying is to just be prepared. Oh and wear this." She pulls out a skirt and a blouse with some sandals.

"Ma, you know it's like 60 degrees out right? I'm not freezing my toes off and I'm not wearing that."

"Neveah Mia Richards, you will wear this."

"Ok ma how about I wear the t-shirt dress you bought me last week."

"Fair enough." I run out of the kitchen and upstairs to get ready for this day.

"And put on some lip gloss while you're at it." I hear her yell upstairs to me, shes always worried that I won't find a mate because I'm not like most girls. I'm not skinny, or that pretty at all, I have a country/Jamaican accent at times, my stomach is big and my thighs are fat, but mess with me and I'll mess you up, girls of course. I never hit a guy, they punch harder than me and I am Alphas daughter, although I been taught to be a homemaker and not a fighter. 


At school

I'm late, thanks to Mom, she just had to do my hair or attempt to do it. I take out the ponytail that she put on the side of my hair and I straighten up to walk into school. When I walk in the halls are empty, I look at the watch and it 10:28. Oh well, time to get ready for the second period.

***********************************************************************************************"Come on Jas, you can't tell me you believe her right, she's nuts." My friend Neven says.

"Well, she not very credible, I'll say."

"Charlie, you don't believe her either?"

"No, even though she has science and all the facts it still doesn't prove that aliens exist."

"Jas, Jas, Jason, whats wrong?" That girl, she's pretty and alluring. I like to know her. "Guys I think I found my Esthai."

"Really Jas, who is she?" I nod towards her standing alone at her locker. 

"That's the new girl, moved here from Indiana with her pack. She's Alpha Richards daughter, Neveah Richards."

"And you know this how."

"Well ever since Josh became King and I am his Queen I have the right to sit in at all the meetings regarding the safety of the packs." 

"Speaking of the King now, here he comes." It's like this all the time when Josh walks into a room.

"DEATH TO THE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The wrong words yelled in a school full of wolves.


Hey my lovely readers, hows it going. Missed me cuz I missed you. Its been a while and alot of stuff has happend that well is for the good and bad. Point is Im back now and writing almost everyday after I get off work. I miss this, I hope to be a published writer one day on top of being an actress. Well hope you enjoyed this see ya next Sunday. COCO

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