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"Why are you here?"

"Well, Kikon called me and told me you missed me." I don't know what I heard but it was so loud that the whole school shook.

"Hello can I help you?"

"And you are?" He was dumb to ask that.

"I am the Queen of the Lycans and I don't like your tone with Neveah here. shoo, shoo dog." He leaves and Charlie turns to me.

"Are you ok? Who was that, was he your friend?" I shake my head no and she senses something is wrong but doesn't press the issue forward. She is quiet, must be mind linking Jason about something. 

"That was Ron, he isn't nice, he did things to me last year, painful things, sexual things."

"I'm so sorry Neveah." 

"Its cool, but I don't know why he's back. He is friends with Kikon and he said that Kikon told him that I missed him and that's a lie." Just then Miracle walks up and knows somethings up.

"Who I have to kill today."

"Miracle, he's back." She drops her stuff in disbelief.

"Why the hell is he here, he should have been expelled for what he did to you."

"Jason, I want you and the boys to make sure Ron stays away from Neveah, he's bad news and I have a feeling if he does something wrong, I just might kill the bastard myself!!!!" I guess Callie could sense something was getting her mad.

"Charlie, hey what happened?"

"She might kill someone."

"OOOOOOOOO, what fun, can I join?" It was at that moment that I was truly satisfied.

"His name is Ron and he is an awful person." Callie takes out a book out of her bag.

"You mean, him."

"Yeah, that's him but whats he doing on the cover of a magazine."

"His Father is the owner of R.A.C.K. Enterprises (Remote Automatic Computer Kontrol), the company is fairly new, but already is a rave with this generation growing up." I take the magazine from Callie.

"Let me see that." I read and flip a couple of pages, this guy is impressive.

"But I heard one of his games and a popular hover board had to be recalled due to faulty wiring and this one kid was hospitalized due to one of his games and then the gaming system burned him. I'm surprised the company is still doing well after that." So that's why Ron is back.

"Don't worry Neveah, we'll keep him away from you."

"Or we can roast him on a stake and then kill him." Ok, someone get this girl away from me, I know she's the queen but she is creeping me out a little here.

"Charlie, how about some chocolate?"

"Did I do it again?" Callie, Louis, and Jas all nod.

"What do you mean?"

"Our sister has a thing about violence and people hurting or abusing others, she hates it. That's why she's our Luna." The bell rings and we all head to class.


After classes

"You ready? Miracle are you coming with us?"

"Not today, Mom wants me home soon, maybe next time." We wave Miracle goodbye and Jas, Charlie and the others all get in theirs cars.

"Oh wait, I forgot my Bio book, I'll be right back." I run back inside to my locker and I hear footsteps coming down the hall towards me and then they stop. I run to the front exit and just when I'm turning the corner to open the door, a hand stops me............


Jason's P.O.V.

"I'll go with you."

"No, I just need to get my book and I'll be right out." She goes inside and I wait outside the car with Charlie. Blake, Louis, Callie, and Rena leave for the fair. Josh then calls to see where we are, those two are so in love its cute. I'm glad my sister found him and he found her. 

"A few minutes pass and she is still in there. I want to go get here, but I don't want her to think that I can't live without her, I mean I can't but not like that. She's so beautiful and delicate like a flower. Screw this I'm going in and I'm surprised Charlie didn't stop me.

"Go on, I'll be here........waiting." I go inside and I see her at her locker and then I also see another figure down the hall, a little further away, walking towards her. I have to stop them, what if she gets hurt, she senses the danger and starts walking away with the book in her arms. The figure starts walking faster and then stops. She turns the corner and I put my hand over her mouth and we both walk out the school. We both jump in the car and Charlie instantly knows to drive off and she does.

"So what happened in there." She says when we come to a stoplight.

"A guy was following me in the halls and it freaked me out, Usually no one is there at this time, all classes end at 3 on Fridays. Can we just go have fun, I just want to have fun and go on rides."


Hey, guys, so its Sunday and I am taking a physical on Tuesday so I want to get this chapter out the way before I'm busy for the week. I was going to write tomorrow but I can't cuz I have work. I'll see you next week.......Coco

Agneepath (Love never gives up)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن