A nerve that won't go, poof,

5 0 0

"Careful gorgeous, wouldn't want to mess up that pretty face of yours." Did Jason just call me gorgeous? "Whats going on here?" And just like that, they disappeared.

 "Thanks for that."

"Are you ok, I saw her hit you?"

"I'm fine, I'm used to it. Thanks for your help."

"Wait, I never got your name."

"Who me, trust me if you were smart, you wouldn't want to know me. Just talking to you has its disadvantages, see how everyone looks at me with disgust."

"Let them look, I don't care about them, I just care about you gorgeous."

"Neveah, my name is Neveah."

"Nice to meet you Neveah, my name is Jason." After we introduced ourselves, I close my locker and Jason decides to walk me to class.

"So what's a pretty girl like you hanging out with scum like....."

"Kikon. Unfortunately, I got stuck with him as a partner for my Social Economics class." He then sees my books and offers to carry them for me. Who would believe that I would be walking with Jason (So I forgot their last name sorry) Sparks

"I see you met my sister."

"Yes, she is nice. I think she's lovely, you guys definitely look alike. She invited me to the palace tomorrow." 

"She did, you must have done something right for her to do that. She rarely does that for anyone." And just like that, we arrive at my class.

"Well, here are."

"This is your class, this is my class as well." We both walk in and all eyes are on me. I see Jennifer, she's a weird girl, I can tell somethings up with her she pretends to be my friend but then she sees Miranda and her crew and she ditches me for them. She trying to be my friend, but I don't do flip-floppy friends. 

"Neveah, we need to talk."

"What do you want Surge?"

"Heard your my brother's Social Economics partner, so I'll be seeing you a lot from now on." He gets close to me, Jason steps in. 

"Go sit somewhere mutt, she doesn't want to be bothered by you." 


***********************************************************************************************1 hour later

I go to my locker after class and see a note fall out of my locker. 'Come to the gym at 6:00 pm so we can work on our project, if not i dont know what will happen to your grade and not to mention you.' Just then my friend Miracle shows up.

"Hey girl, how was the class?"

"You never guess who's in my class with me?"

"He is, OMG girl you are so lucky."

"Surge tried to touch me in class and he stepped in, sent Surge running." 

"Serves him right, besides Jason looks good on you." Why did she have to say that?

"I see someone blushing. You like him."

"Ok, so what if I do, he deserves someone like Mira."

"Umm hello, she might be pretty, but underneath all that is hate and ugly bitterness."

"Well anyway, what are you doing tonight at 6:00?"

"Nothing, just going to crawl in bed and watch some Chicago P.D. why what's up?"

"So Kikon wants me to come to the gym tonight so that we can work on the project and I don't want to be alone with him."

"For you, I do anything, you're my best friend."

***********************************************************************************************6:00 PM

"Hello, anyone here. Kikon I'm here."

"How typically he's not." Just then a group of people enters the gym laughing and talking."

"Oh look, guys, she actually came and she brought her friend with her, this should be fun." 

"What did we get ourselves into?" Miracle says nervously.

"Kikon lets get this over with. I say putting my bag down with a THUD.

"Whoa, hold up, what's the rush, we have plenty of time." He said putting his arms around both Miracle and I.

This is going to be trouble, I wish Jason or someone would help me.

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