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After a passionate night filled with lovemaking Jas and I decided to return to the house to prepare what could possibly be the start of a war. We go inside the palace gates to find Charlie on the steps of the Palace crying, she is dressed in a traditional Sarae, which is very beautiful on her. 

She hears footsteps walking toward her and just as we are walking up, we stop a few steps away from the stairs. She lifts her head to acknowledge us and then she gives Jas and me a nod of the head with a slight smile and I nod back then she looks to Rena through her window and then looks to the sky. (At 0:57 she turns her head to look at the body coming out)

The only time she wears that is if someone has died or as to attract men and lure them into her trap. On the other side of her, a teenage girl is ringing a bell as the men come out with the body.

(Note the music is played as soon as she sees Charlie on the steps and continues as she walks to the casket saying her farewell to the body and at the same time when the beat changes at 1:10, Josh is planning his attack for the upcoming war. At 1:34 we are back with Charlie.)

I wonder who died, Rena then comes out lost and distraught. Could it be blake who has died?


Josh's P.O.V.

Last night a rogue broke in and attempted to take Zack and a few of our weapons, luckily we stopped him, but then the rogue held Rena as a hostage. In the end, Blake sacrificed himself for her.

"We need to figure out a way to stop him and his army, but how."

"We have Neveah, maybe she can help us figure out a way to stop him." Everyone is looking around the room whispering and mummbling words to one another, just then the door opened.

"We do this tonight!!!"


Third Person P.O.V.

The body is being carried down the stairs of the palace as Charlie looks as the boy descends and then she looks up at Rena in the room with tears in her eyes. She is dealing with Blake's death hard. Charlie then slowly stands and follows the casket with some of the pack Warriors and unmated females in a row on either side of the cast with flower petals to toss on the body as the men guide the body to the grave. 

(At 1:53 is when the girls start lightly throwing the petals on the body) 

Charlie is grieving hard, but she holds it in well aside from a few tears. As she is walking Charlie remembering all the memories with her brother, and Rena she must feel awful now. Charlie looks up and sees she is no longer in her room but is on the steps of the palace. 

(At 2:28 is when Rena comes down to stand next to Charlie and they briefly hold hands while the men carrying the body has stepped aside.)

(At 2:36 Charlie and Rena each take a plate of flowers from two Warrior women and lightly throw the flowers on his body one handful at a time. At the 2:46 is when Rena and Charlie toss the rest of the flower petals up in the air.)

(At 2:48 Charlie vows to get justice for her brother everyone's hands are in a prayer position.)

***********************************************************************************************After the funeral everyone goes inside, except for Charlie. I know this has to be hard for her, I think she is hurt, but also mad at him for leaving her and his mate, 

"Charlie, It's getting dark out. Dinner's ready, everyone is worried about you."

"Just a few more minutes and I'll be right there." I turn to walk away.



"Come, sit with me for a while." She is the Queen so how can I say no and besides she could probably use a friend now. 

"You know Blake was so strong, I remember when he taught me how to ride a bike, he also taught me how to tie my shoes. He was always protective of his little sister, but as we got older he started to distance himself from us. When I transferred to my brother's school I found out why he met Rena. She's like my little sister, Shina, she died a few years ago, but you would have loved her. She was like Blake in every way, she loved life, but she did like to keep to herself sometimes. Blake, why are you so stupid, always putting yourself in harm's way.  This is just like you always doing things without knowing the repercussions of the action. Rena is hurting, I am hurting, DO YOU HEAR ME, I. AM. HURTING." Charlie then breaks down and I hug her, putting her head on my shoulder letting her cry.


Hey, guys so sorry the story has been not always on the publishing schedule I had but I been to the dentist and after that, I don't feel like doing anything but sleeping the pain off. But I'm back!!!!! XOXO-------Coco

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