Blood Bending

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As Luna I can't stand by and let my people be slaughtered to death, I know Josh said to stay inside, but something told me to help. I walk outside and walk right in the middle of the fighting and everyone stops to look and then they drop their weapons and blood pour out of their noses and eyes, everyone is stunned except for Josh, he knew I had this power when I became a Lycan. Soon the men all run away, but you had a few who didn't get the hint, so I killed them. Everyone then clapped and cheered saying that we won, but I knew this was just a sneak attack, an ambush before the real thing. Tomorrow we were going to still go through with the plan and Jason would be there with Neveah for if something goes wrong. Josh and I take a survey of the damage and the men, of course, he doesn't like me looking at them but I have to see if they are hurt, I go to the bunker after seeing two of our men hurt.

"It's alright now, the fighting is over."  

"Hooray to our Queen." Josh puts his hand on my back and my eyes start to drift and the darkness consumes me.


"Doctor, what's happening?" Jas and I rush in the infirmary

"It seems using that much power overloaded her and that why she fainted. Let me ask you something, has she practiced how to use her powers?"

"Yes, but not often."

"She must practice at least ten minutes a day, otherwise this could happen the next time or worse considering she wasn't born a Lycan." Josh then goes to her side where the doctor was and squeezes her hand while crying.

"I'm happy, you're going to be ok, I promise every day we will practice, the war is coming soon we need to be ready." He turns to me and Jas. "Tell everyone to meet me in the meeting room within the hour, Neveah are you ready. Tomorrow is the day."

"To be honest I don't know what to say when I see him." 

"You'll be fine babe, besides I'll be there with you."

"I appreciate all your concerns for tomorrow, but don't worry we got this war in the bag." We turn around and see Charlie is awake and sitting up. 


"I'm right here you guys don't have to yell."

"Sorry baby, we're just glad you're awake. How you feel?"

"Better, but I need to work on my powers don't I, I heard the doctor say that's why I fainted since I wasn't born a Lycan. So when do we start?"

"As you as you're discharged from here."

"Ok good, I need to be ready for this war. Now if you all will excuse me I'm a little tired." Jas, myself, and Josh leave her to get some rest.


"Good morning." I wake up to a little girl jumping on me.

"Kelis, get off of  her." She gets down "Well, you seem better and your vital signs look good. I'm releasing you today."

"Ana, can I ask you something?" She looks at me seriously while holding my chart. "Am I a good Luna?" Kelis comes to me sad.

"Luna is the best."

"She is right, you have saved us from evil and protect us and the Pack, we all love you."

"I know but...."

"No buts you are a great Luna and a wonderful Queen." 

"Thanks." Josh comes in with flowers. "Hello, ladies."



"Kelis, my look how big you got. You had a growth spurt on us."

"I grew a.............." She counts on her fingers. "This many!!"

"Wow, that's big!!" 

"Come on Kelis, its time for you to get ready to go to preschool. Alpha she is clear to go if you all will excuse us." The two of them leave.

"Josh?" He turns to me questioningly. "Am I a good Luna?"

"What do you mean are you, you're a great Luna and even a loving Esthai as well as Queen. I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world."

" I knew you would say that, but as Luna, I am supposed to bare your pups and as Queen, I am to bare an heir. I feel like I'm falling you as Luna and Queen, but most importantly as an Esthai." 

"Baby, you could NEVER and will NEVER disappoint me. I love you." He comes over and kisses my forehead. "What do you say if I were to ask you on a date?"

"Yes, we haven't been on one in so long." 

"Good, I was hoping you say yes, I already have planned something."

"And what if I had said no."

"Well sweetheart, I wasn't taking no for an opition and besides it will be good for us."


"Hey Veah."

Hey Miracle."

"So how's everything?"

"A lot has happened." After a pause, I finally spoke. "I found my Dad."

"What he say?"

"He is sorry for leaving and he wants to get to know me again."

"So what was his reason for leaving, not getting enough T.L.C. down there?"


"It's true, I've read if a man doesn't get sex he will go somewhere else and look for it and besides last, I checked your Dad had a big D......"

"Ok, OK, OK, OK," I say real fast trying to block the mental image from invading my thoughts.


"Veah, Veah are you ok I heard a loud noise, are you and Jason........."

"Miracle, no. I think my heat is coming on."

"I don't see why you just don't let Jason just F^0k you already, it's obvious that he loves you."

"I'll be fine. When are you and your Mom coming?"

"We're packing now, aye Veah are you sure Charlie and Josh won't mind this?"

"No, they have invited you to move in with your Mom stop fussing. I got to go." As if on cue Charlie is up here in a flash and Jas is not far behind.

"You're in heat again." She comes over with the cream. "This will keep happening until you mate with him."

"I know I'm just scared." I turn away as I lie down as she applies the cream to my back. "It's my first time, what if he doesn't like what he sees? What if I'm bad in bed and then he'll never want me again." She finishes.

"Neveah, listen to me. My brother is the most caring man to you, he loves you. When he saw you for the first time, he couldn't stop staring and he almost walked into a pole and almost fell in a trash can. He couldn't stop staring at you, but then he saw those boys around you he thought one of them was your mate but was glad when they weren't. He will protect you with his life if he has too, he loves you with all his heart. In fact, he is probably fighting his way to hold you and comfort you."

"She's right you know." We both turn to see Jason at the door with Josh. "I care about you and love you way too much to even think about hurting you."

"Can I talk to Jason for a minute?" Charlie nods and she takes out a key and I take it. "Thanks, Charlie." I look at the key and its wraps with a twig with flowers on it. I know what's probably, most likely going to happen.

Agneepath (Love never gives up)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن