Lesson Learned (Part 1)

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We get to the fair and we meet up with everyone to have fun. Everything seems to be going well, we get to the Ferris Wheel and everyone is paired off together in a seat. Josh and Charlie, Blake and Rena, Louis and Callie, then there's me and Jason. After a while of silence, I finally break the Ice

"Jason, why did you choose me?"

"What do you mean?"

"How do you know I'm the one?"

"It started when the gang and I were driving past the new outlet mall for school clothes and I smelled your presence, then when school started that when I saw you. You are mesmerizing and a breath of fresh air, but I didn't want to scare you." He moves closer to me. "You are mine and I am yours." His lips are dangerously close to my lips and his breath tickles my insides, I could just melt in his arms right now if I was a popsicle. I lean into him and his moves closer until our lips touch, we kiss and man, its like 4th of July. 


We get off the ride and play a few more games and go on a few more rides then we go home and get ready for the next day. 

I wake up to immense pain and my body is scolding hot, am I going into heat, oh no. I'm not ready to mate with Jason, I must have yelled so loud that Jason heard me. He came running in to see what was wrong and his eyes all the sudden turned golden and then Charlie came in with Josh behind her. Charlie took me in the bathroom and Josh is trying to hold Jason back. My wolf is grateful for friends like them and an Esthai like Jason. 

"It burns, I know honey, come on we have to get you submerged in this ice." She covers me in Ice, Callie comes in and so does Rena, I don't know Rena well but I'm glad she's here to help. 



"Call the school and tell them we won't be in today."

"Yes ma'am."

"You can take the day off today."

"Yes, Ma'am." She leaves.

"Where is Jason?" I ask, my wolf obviously wanting the comfort of her mate.

'We can't remember what Ron did to us.' I tell her, my wolf name is Diamond.

'I remember, but trust me, mate is not like that.'

'You're right and besides, he has been so caring and nice.'

"He is out in the hall, he knows you're not ready for the whole mating process so he is with Josh." That's good, Charlie must know what to do because as soon as we enter the bathroom, she put me in the tub and her, Callie and Rena start filling it with ice. 

"Here is something that will help with the heat." She gets some cream from the cabinet and applies it onto my forehead and my stomach. Instantly I feel better and missing my Jason. 

"You miss him, don't you. I'll tell him you want to see him." I get nervous instantly and shake my head furiously. "Don't worry, we'll be here to stop him if he does anything, but Jason is a perfect gentleman, he wouldn't do anything to hurt you." She mind-link Jason and I am sure glad that Jason has a sister like her. 

"Neveah, are you alright?" Jason asked from the doorway.

"I'm fine, better now." Rena and Callie go out of the room.

"I'm sorry that you're in this situation. I should have never kissed you."

"So that's why she's in heat, you kissed her? Jason, you shouldn't have yet until she was ready."

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