Hate is something inevitable

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"Death to the King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" All the sudden this girl comes running towards him, but my sister puts a stop to her.

"Look that must be the queen"

"She's fierce."

"Those must be her brothers and their mates, oh, they all so beautiful." I hear whispers in the crowd. With one swoop, the girl is on the ground knocked out. Charlie didn't hurt her, she just put her in a sleepers hold.

"Hey, honey." My sister doesn't play when it comes to females running up on her man, so they all know to stay away, but we're at a new school. After that fiasco, if the she-wolves at this school didn't know to stay away, they do now. Josh really loves her and she loves him, still no kids but they are still enjoying themselves for now. 

"Charlie, you forgot this at home, wouldn't want my Queen to forget her math book."

"I don't see why I have to learn this stuff. Can't I just stay home and run the pack?"

"As much as I would like that to happen, I also don't want you to forget about school." She gives him a sad pout before kissing her on the cheek and leaving. 

"Hey Blake, Rena."

"Wasn't that Josh?" Rena says.

"Yea, he came to bring my math book to me." I zone out as I see her again and her smell is so delicious roses and honeysuckle. She's perfect in every way, I just need her to notice me. I'll ask Charlie what I should do.


Neveah's PO.V.

Is it just me or are a pair of eyes staring at me right now? OMG, that's Jason, he's the Queens' brother, he is so hot. Is his staring at me? I have no time for this, after all, I have a mate to look forward too, although, with my tomboyish ways, I doubt I'll have one who will want me. 

"Hey, you." I hear Kikon and his goons behind me, I turn to them, Jasons' eyes are on me constantly, I can tell he is on edge and one of them pulls my hair.

"What do you want Kikon?"

"Rumor has it that you are to be my mate, but I don't want a mate like you seeing that I already have a girl who takes care of those needs for me." He turns around and starts to walk away, but then stops and turns around. "But you can still be my slave." Something must have ticked because next thing you know.

"Is everything alright over here." 

"My Queen, no we were just talking." They quickly bowed their heads."

"Off you go, I need a minute alone with Neveah." They scurry off. "Are you ok?"

"Yes, thank you, your Highness." I quickly bow to her.

"You don't have to do that. Rise up, I can tell those boys were bothering you and my brother he is acting a little worried right now and angry. Let's talk, Neveah, come to the palace tomorrow." And with that, she leaves. OMG, I can't believe I just received an invitation to the palace by the Queen herself, this is an honor, wait till I tell my family.

I then turn to go to lunch and see the three hoe bags, Miranda, Chrissy, and Emma. They are the biggest sluts in this school, they have every boy wrapped around their finger and still have boyfriends. Emma, the dumbest out of the three, she wears tight skimpy clothes that are three sizes too small for her making her look like a walking still with her boobs pushed up and ass all out. She is tall and slim, not easy on the eyes, but her boyfriend likes it. 

Next, you have Chrissy, she's smart, well she was until she met Emma and Miranda. Emma made her feel smart, but them Miranda made her feel dumb in a way, even though she is right most of the time. She's short and round, basically, she's a little chubby, but she diets a lot and I meant A LOT.

Then you have Miranda, the national definition of slut, she's the kind of girl who will do anything for a good grade, get out of detention or free lunch, yes my ladies and gentleman you have a super slut here. I don't know why Kikon puts up with her, but then again he makes it his number one goal to torture me so yeah they belong together. 

"Earth to Neveah, here you go. The professor assigned us to do a project on the study of behaviors of the environment and you're stuck with........." A girl from my first class tells me, her name is Cherry I believe. Please tell me I got someone good. "Kikon is with you."

"Why, his girlfriend will kill me."

"That's not my problem." She shoves the paper in my face and then leaves.

Just then my friend Miracle comes over scarred.

"Whats up Miracle?"

"Kikon and his gang, they won't let me be. I just wish they leave me alone."

"Don't mind them, they're just jealous cuz they can't have you."

"Yea maybe you're right, he did try to kiss me."

"Who, Kikon?"

"No, his brother Surge." Now I know what you're thinking, they have some strange names right? Well, their parents are a little exotic on the weird spectrum. "Anyway, I saw the Queen talk to you."

"Yeah, she said her brother likes me."

"Jason, he is so hot, he is so popular and it's his first day here. Well, its all of them, they transferred here from somewhere. They all are smart and beautiful, girl you're so lucky that he likes you."

"She invited to the palace tomorrow."

"Tell me you're going right?

"Maybe, what if I get there and it turns out he doesn't like me, then I'll look like a fool."

***********************************************************************************************4 hours later

"I hate this." 

"It's not that bad, you could be partnered with Smelly Shelly and she's a creep."

"Yeah I guess, but still Miranda will kill me, they will......."

"Get up twerp, you're stuck with me." He says coming from behind me with Miranda on his arm.

"You better not touch my man, you worm he is mine got it." She says grabbing my shirt and then sending me to the ground before........


***********************************************************************************************II love cliff hangers don't you. Bye

Agneepath (Love never gives up)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin