The past is never left alone.

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"What are you doing, get off of him, he's only 8 years old and he's your son."

"Who are you to stop me, I am your Luna and will be respected."

"No Mom, my Luna is Charlie and she has shown me more kindness than you ever did. I'm taking my siblings away from here. Trevor, come on its alright." Trevor runs up to me after he pulls up his pants, I hear a growl from Jason and I instantly knows his wolf is about to surface any moment. Charlie and Josh come downstairs with my brothers and sisters, Eliza is crying, Zach is scared to bits, Benji runs towards me and hugs me tight. I take my siblings and we walk out the door never to return. 


Josh puts their suitcases in the car and then jumps in the front seat. Charlie then dials on her phone "Ana it's me can you have 4 beds ready, we'll be there in 10 minutes." She hangs up and turns around to me.

"I'm sorry for that, you must feel awful."

"I just want my brother to be ok."

"We'll have Ana check him over. Don't worry everything will be ok." She pats my knee and then turns back to Josh, Jason rubs my back as tears run down my face. 

We arrive back at the palace, where the doctors are waiting for us, we then notice Trevor has lost consciousness they take him in first and then my other siblings. Josh and Jason take the suitcases from the car while Charlie and I follow the doctors. I instantly feel regret for leaving my siblings with her, she was never stable after Dad (can't remember if he died or left, so Ima say he left but he still alive just not around.) left. I should have fought to take them with me and then none of this would have happened.

'I'm sorry for what happened to your brother.'

'Thank you, Lizzy.' It's nice to know I have my wolf to comfort me. 'I hate to say this, but his wolf is about to come.'

"Charlie, my brother, he's about to shift."

"I know my wolf told me too, but he's only 8, normally boys don't shift until they're 11 or 12." Just then one of the nurses come out of the room.

"Charlie, Neveah come quick somethings happening!!!" We run in the room and Trevor is screaming as if he is in pain. We both take an arm and talk him through his first shift. 


After a few hours Trevor made it through his first shift and is now sleeping peacefully. A little girl comes in.

"Why hello Kelis."

"Hello, Luna."

"Neveah meet my Daughter Kelis." She looks like a mini Ana, suddenly I have a vision, there is something about this little girl and her connection to my brother, I don't know what it is, but I will sure figure it out."

"Luna, I have received a letter from my husband, he said he should be home in 2 days, I would love for you to meet him."

"We should welcome him with open arms."

"Thank you, Luna." She turns to Trevor. "He just needs rest and he should be good as new." The little girl then touches Trevor's forehead and instantly her hand freezes, his fever, which I didn't know he had, is gone. She looks towards the entrance and freezes in her tracks.

"Daddy!!!!" She runs and jumps in his arms.

"How's my Kelis?" I recognize that voice.

"Hello there, you must be John."

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