40: Testosterone

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"You're such an idiot, Jungkook!" Hyungwon cried, waving his arms about, "I told you not to ride that horse, and you ignored me!"

"Back up, Hyungwon," Yoongi growled as Jungkook's face fell. He had just put the horse back into the temporary stable, and the moment that he stepped foot inside the kitchen, Hyungwon began to yell at him.

"But there wasn't a problem," Jungkook said timidly, "He was really well behaved, and he follows my directions really well,"

"And what if he didn't?" Hyungwon countered, "What if he bucked you off and you landed on your head and snapped your neck? You'd be dead!"

"Hyungwon," Thalia said gently, placing her hand on her husband's arm, "Please stop shouting,"

"Before I knock your teeth out," Yoongi added, "Jungkook is in charge of the animals anyway, so-"

"I am in charge of the horses," Hyungwon cut him off coldly, "So the next time you want to ride a horse, you have to ask my permission. And stop threatening me, asshole, nobody-"

"Enough," Daisy snapped as she entered the kitchen, an arm full of vegetables, "If you don't stop arguing, I won't cook for any of you,"

"Sorry, Daisy," Jungkook mumbled, his eyes low.

"Not you, I'll always cook for you, Jungkook," She smiled at him, and turned her gaze to Yoongi and Hyungwon, "Yoongi, go and get me some more potatoes. Hyungwon, you need to go and swap with Shownu in the tower. He's been up there for a while,"

Both the men stood in silence until she spoke again, her voice sharp, "Now, gentlemen!"

As they left the room, Daisy placed the vegetables in the sink, ready to wash, and turned her attention back to Jungkook.

"Listen, Jungkook," She said softly, "I know you want to keep the peace, and that's a good thing, but you have to start speaking up for yourself. You are amazing at speaking up for others, but think about yourself, too. If you don't Yoongi could start something that will end badly because he's trying to look after you. You're a grown man now, you need to start acting like one,"

Thalia smiled and sat down at the table, "You and Bee sound a lot alike," She said, "It's kind of funny. I think we will all start to sound like each other after a while,"

Daisy huffed, a smile on her lips, "Well, we got to be strong, otherwise the place will fall apart. There's so much pent-up energy and testosterone here that there's bound to be a fight or two. We have to diffuse it before they start. When the men have calmed down enough, they can talk about it, then,"

"Am I included in that?" Jungkook smiled a little.

"Oh yes, honey," Daisy said, turning to the vegetables, "You're just oozing testosterone and male aggression,"

"Is that an insult?" Jungkook laughed, "Are you being sarcastic?"

Daisy grinned, "Well, you're very masculine, and yes you obviously have testosterone. You're just a little different from the rest of the men here. And that's a good thing,"

"Jin is peaceful, too," Jungkook said, "And so is Hyungwon, usually,"

"Peaceful is good," Thalia said, "But like Daisy said, you need to stand up for yourself. Hyungwon was just yelling at you because he was worried, Jungkook, but you do need to use your own voice sometimes, too,"

Jungkook nodded, "I know,"

"I'm peaceful, too," Jungkook and Thalia looked at the door when they heard Shownu's deep voice.

"That's clear," Daisy admitted, "But you've had a violent past. It must be nice for you to relax a little,"

"What was it like with them?" Jungkook asked suddenly, "I forgot that you and Thalia and Hyungwon all knew eachother,"

"It was horrible," Thalia answered quietly, "I won't go into detail, but it was the worst time of my life. Shownu..." She trailed off a little, glancing over at the tall soldier as he sat down, "Shownu never harmed us, and he always stood up for us, but Minhyuk was insane, and the other men loved to cause pain,"

Shownu nodded, "I hated it, but I didn't really have much choice. I was a coward. I should have just killed them all to begin with,"

"We have already figured that you don't like hurting others," Jungkook smiled, "You don't need to make excuses. We are all here together, now, and everyone is muhc better off,"

Thalia sighed, "Yeah. I miss Julie. And Kihyun. I wish it had've ended differently for them. They both deserved so much better. I know it didn't seem like it, but Julie was such a wonderful person. She was kind and giving, and if it wasn't for her, Hyungwon and I would have died a long time ago. Kihyun, too; he was a teacher. When we first started out, there was this little girl with us, and he taught her how to read and do maths. He was great with her. They would have made good parents,"

"What happened to the little girl?" Jungkook asked, "Did you leave her at a camp?"

Thalia shook her head, "She died. She got very sick and we didn't have any medicine,"

"I'm sorry," Daisy said, "That must have been horrible,"

"Well," Thalia said, "We didn't really have time to mourn. Minhyuk found us then, so our mind was taken off of that,"

"It's in the past now," Shownu said, "And I'd rather not hear that mad man's name ever again,"

Thalia nodded, "Yeah," She said, "Me too. I'll be having nightmares for years,"

"I hope your nightmares stop," Jungkook said, getting to his feet, "Now that you are here, you have a family to protect you. You don't have to live in fear from him anymore,"

"That's true," Daisy said, "We all protect each other, now,"

"I'm glad Yoongi Hyung and I found Bee," Jungkook said, "And that Jimin and his team found us, and that you guys found us after that. I know we have been bickering, but it's nice to know that even in this world, there are people who care,"

He took a breath and smiled, before heading to the door that led to the garage.

"Where are you going?" Shownu asked as he opened the door.

"To take care of the animals," Jungkook said, "They need their evening clean and feed,"

Shownu pushed himself to his feet and followed after him, almost tripping over the little white hen as it raced to be beside Jungkook.

"I'll help," He said, "But you have to show me what to do,"

"Sure!" Jungkook's face lit up, "Thanks, Shownu!"

"No problem," Shownu replied, "Ah, also, could you tell your chicken to stop biting me? It really hurts!"


AN: A nice, easy going chapter.

Hope you're enjoying!

This should be coming to an end, fairly soon. Unfortunately, I don't have plans for another series, sorry!

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