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You bit your lip nervously as you sat at your desk staring up at the boy in front of you. "So y/n. I've sorta kind of liked you for a long time now, but you where with Kai and I-"

"Hello baby sis." You let out a sigh of relief at the sound of your brothers voice. Thanking the gods in your head that he saved you out of this one. You watched how Taehyung's smile dropped as he spotted the boy in front of you. Of course Taehyung knew what he was doing. It's the only reason why boys would talk to you.

"Sorry but, she's not interested." Taehyung say as he shooed the boy away with his hand showing him a 'innocent' smile. The boys jaw clenched as he glared up at Taehyung and slowly got his belongings and stormed out the class.

You let out a deep breathe and turned towards Taehyung with the widest grin ever on your face. "What's up with the creepy smile?" He says as he let out a soft laugh.

"How can I ever repay you? I've been trying to avoid him since... forever! And now he'll finally leave me alone." You squealed and jumped up from your desk and gave your brother a quick hug.

Taehyung scrunched his face up and pushed you off of him softly by your shoulders. "First off, ew. We're not even that close," You rolled your eyes and sat back down with your arms folded over your chest. "Second," he says with a sigh and glanced behind you for a moment. You turned around to see what he was looking at.

Your mouth formed a 'O' shaped as you knew what he was about to ask you. Your turned back to Taehyung and waited for him to ask. "Can you please get Jihee to go on a date with me on Saturday?" Taehyung pleaded as he bit his lower lip and put his hands in a praying gesture as he kneeled down in front of your desk on one knee. "I'll do anything. Just please? I really like her and-"

You let out a long and dramatic groan. "Fine just stop begging. It's annoying." The corners of Taehyung's mouth moved up slowly as he showed off his famous boxy grin. You started to smile at the sight of seeing your brother so happy and geeked up over a girl.


You waited for the bell to ring to dismiss the class so you could approach Jihee. You told your brother that you would do it at the end of the day but he couldn't stop begging so now your doing it.

You stood at the door and watched all the students walk out and waited for Jihee to go out as well. "Hey, Jihee can I talk to you?" You stopped her before she could leave the classroom.

"Y/n. What's up?" She asked as she smiled. You let out a sigh and prayed that she would say yes so you wouldn't have to deal with your brother being a emotional wreck. "Do you know my brother? Taehyung?" You asked and she followed with a nod of the head.

"Well he sorts of have this crush on you and he wanted me to ask you if you'd like to go on a date with him Saturday?" You gave her pleading eyes and you crossed your fingers behind you back hoping she will accept it.

She was left speechless and shocked as she just stood there staring at you with widened eyes. "Uh...wow," she said with a breathy laugh. "I never knew he liked me. I admit I always thought he was pretty cute," You scrunched your face up at that. "But I'd never thought some one as cute as him would like me."

You smiled as you already knew what her answer was as she glanced up at you with flushed cheeks. "Tell him yes I would love to."


"Ouch!" Jimin groaned as he rubbed his forehead. "Why'd you flick me!?" He gritted as he continued to rub his head as he hissed in pain.

"Because your not even listening! Why'd I have to be partnered up with you?" You muttered as you separated the papers that where scattered all over the kitchen table. You took a glance at jimin when he didn't say anything. "Would you stop pouting like a baby?" You mumbled.

Jimin uncrossed his arms and pushed back in his pouted lip. "I don't even understand why girls like you. Your such a baby." You say with a short laugh, and the face jimin had made made you laugh even more.

Your pretty sure there was tears coming out of your eyes by now as you continued to laugh. Eventually jimin started shooting daggers into your skull and that made you stop laughing immediately as you wiped the tears from out the brim of your eyes.

"Then what was your reason for you liking me then?" Jimin asked with a small grin. You knew he was about to ask that question. Whenever you two would come to a argument he would always bring up 'then why did you like me?' Or 'but you liked or like me'.

You rolled your eyes and sat back in your chair as you let out a long dramatic sigh. You pretended to think about his question as you looked up at the ceiling. But you already knew the answer to his question. "Oh come on Jimin. I was fourteen. Every boy was cute to me, now can you please stop bringing that up?" You placed your hands over your cheeks to try and hide your bright red cheeks.

"That's not the answer to my question y/n. Why did you like me? I need to know." You could hear the seriousness in his voice as he stared at your side profile since you where to flustered to look him in the eyes. And that made your heart pound uncontrollably because he was never serious. And that kind of sent a spark through your veins.

You didn't want him to know that you thought that he was cute and that your still a little attracted to him. If him and Taehyung found that out they would never leave you alone for the rest of your life again. But... there's no way you could get out of this one. You've ran out of excuses and now is the day you have to tell him the truth and instead of telling him 'it was just a moment'. So, you've decide to come clean.

Sorry for this boring chapter but I'm just trying to get started with the story and trust me it'll get better when where more into the book. I'm just not good at starting off books😅

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