Chapter 2-the party

Start from the beginning

D-"hi, are you already at the party" I queried since I heard loud thumping music

K-"yah I went with jake" I knew she went with him they've been lovey dovey for a while

D-"oh,well I'll be there in 20" I said quickly before hanging up the phone before the drunken Kat could say anything

I quickly added my makeup and a light shade of pink to my lips. As I was just about to spray my Victoria secret perfume. My brothers were already calling me.

"Demmi" Austin yelled.

"Coming" I replied spraying whats left of my perfume on my clothes
I skipped downstairs and jumped down the last step. "Ready" I smiled

I saw Cameron's face and he didn't look too happy he didn't even want me to go to this party but oh well I'm 16 no one can control me.

We all got into the car and Kyle and Luke went in Luke's car because there was no room for Kyle.

The party was like 10 minutes away from my house and as soon as we reached outside. Cameron stopped the car and gave me the lecture about parties.

"You know the rules" he told me Yes I know them already I actually know them off by heart.


1. The max of only 2 glasses of alcohol

2. No smoking

3.No sexual contact with any boys

As he told me them I just mimicked him in the back silently. I quickly hopped out the car and as soon as I got into the party there was a strong scent of alcohol and body odour.

I looked across the living room to see a drunken Kat making out with jake.
"Kat.what happened?" I laughed as she looked half asleep

"Deeee---mmmii?is that you?" she slurred.

"Yeah it's me" I answered "let's go get something to drink" she insisted. we had three glasses of alcohol and I already felt a bit light headed.

I went back into the living room and I see my brothers dancing with girls. Cameron was dancing with this plastic barbie. Calum was dancing with a pretty girl who had long brown hair. Austin and Luke were sitting down chatting talking to some of there friends and then I see Kyle.

He was dancing with the slut of the school Lindsay, I absolutely hated her she was grinding all over him. Jealousy swept over me and then I saw Josh. he was drunk.

I grabbed him towards me and smashed my lips into his lips into mine. I didn't even look at Kyle I wanted to make him jealous just like he made me.

Josh dragged me up the stairs and made his way into a bedroom. I was just about to walk out the door when he grabbed my wrists and pulled me towards him.

He had his hands on my waist and gripped onto them tightly.

"Josh.let go!" I stated firmly trying to squirm out of his grip. "You're hurting me" I whimpered "You're mine tonight" he whispered in my ear, his grip was tight.

"I know you want me" he muttered, his breath was reeking from alcohol. I knew he was drunk

"No i'm not" I replied "we'll see about that" he said. he grabbed my two arms and put them above my head. I couldn't get away then he pushed his lips into mine but I refused to kiss back.

He trailed his hand up my dress and put his hand down my pants. I let a squeal and I was on the urge of crying.

I remembered that my leg was free and I swung it into his precious jewels. his grip loosened as he held his jewels with pain and roamed around the floor in pain. he stood up with his knees together. I smacked him across the face hopefully leaving a massive bruise on his face.

I quickly opened the door and there stood Kyle I was shocked to see him but I just wrapped my arms around his waist and sobbed into his chest. I guarantee by the time I pulled away his t-shirt was soaking.

"What.what happened demi" he said firmly but calmly.

"Josh. he....he nearly raped me" I blurted out . with that said Kyle stormed in the room and punched him in the stomach and in the face but I pulled him away tugging at his shirt.

I was scared about what my brothers would have reacted to it, Cameron probably would've to jail for murder.

We went down stairs. Kyle gripped onto my wrist. I just wanted to go home.


I hope you enjoy this chapter I will be updating more soon 😊ps sorry it's short

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