Chapter 32- nearly time..

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• 2 months later •

         "I think that's it for today" Noah said, we were painting his room a light grey colour. Meeting Noah, it was kind of awkward but he's ok.


         "A brother, you didn't tell me you had a brother"

      "Um.. Well I um" he stuttered, I really don't know how to react to this.

           "Come down stairs and meet him" he says and I just follow. His brother was tall short brown hair and brown eyes, a sharp jawline, dressed in a military uniform.

             "Woah bro, is that you ? You've been hitting the gym" Noah shrieked, Kyle flexed showing off his muscles  and I just rolled my eyes.

             "So, um who's the hottie?" He smirked "You hit that yet" I was getting angry how can you treat someone as if they are a piece of meat. Kyle looked sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

            "Erm, excuse me, I am Kyle's girlfriend of 6 months, I am currently 3 months pregnant and you're looking at me like I am a piece of meat" I scowled.

           "Woah, sass" he held up his hand in defence, looking taken back.

*end of flashback*

           " I agree" Kyle said wiping an imaginary sweat off his brow.

      "Um.. Guys I've made lunch downstairs help yourself" Mrs E called from downstairs.

        My stomach was now perfectly round and we have an ultra sound in an hour. When we got to the dinner table I filled my plate with one or two of everything. I've started to get extremely greedy.

   "Woah slow down" Noah joked. "Well I am eating for two" I smirked

        "Remember the ultrasound in an hour" I reminded Kyle.

         "Oh..Yeah... right" he looked up at Noah and then back to me.

         "OMG" I felt something flutter in my stomach, wait was that a kick?

          I felt another flutter, I lifted up my shirt, my baby was moving around. I grabbed Kyle's free hand putting it on my stomach. As smile spread across his face, showing his dimples.

        "The baby is kicking" he smiled looking up at Noah

       "Oh, it's like the best feeling ever isn't it sweetheart" Mrs E smiled. "I can't wait to meet the little one"

      "Neither can I " Kyle agreed flashing a cheeky smile.

       "Right Demetria, I believe you are now 7 months pregnant, how are you dealing with the pregnancy?" My doctor asked.

      "I'm doing great so far, well my feet are getting much more swollen, cravings are increasing dramatically same for hormones"

    "She's crazy" Kyle agreed

     "Perfectly normal" the doctor chuckled, she spread the gel onto my stomach, she rubbed the monitor thing across.

    "Do you want to know the sex of your baby?" The doctor asked, I nodded eagerly squeezing Kyle's hand.

   "You're having a boy" she smiled, I was happy having a boy I would've been happy having a girl too.

"So what are you guys having?" My mom squealed as we just stepped into the house. I just went straight to the kitchen it was 2:43 I know she made lunch. So I settled down with Kyle-who was currently annoying me- and began to devour the chicken wrap she made.

Unexpected {Currently Editing}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ