Chapter 9 - revenge

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"How are you" he asked plastering a fake smile on his face.

I just stood there rocking back and forth on my heels, twirling my locks in my fingers trying to distract myself but it wasn't working . I bet I look like a third wheel . She has her hands all over him! No,no this is the second time today.Who does she think she is? I thought he broke up with her? Or did she break up with him? Wait im so confused, I'm sure he broke up with her. I can tell, she's too clingy. This is not going to happen again, not on my watch.

I can't take it anymore she rubbing his armup and down.The expression on his face shows that he is uncomfortable, it's making me feel uncomfortable too. It's making me feel sick, watching another girl sexually touch my boyfriend.

"Excuse me " I cut in, "Me and Kyle" I cleared my throat "Who is happily my boyfriend,came here for something to eat and I'm hungry, so we've got to go, maybe you should go and flirt with someone else because honey,they're called ex's for a reason " I smiled pulling Kyle away from her. She gave me a dirty look and strolled away to her car. I just shrugged her off, because the only thing which was on my mind now was food.

"Thanks babe" Kyle winked at me. I glared at him, giving him the 'really' look , "What?" he laughed "Its not my fault I'm so irresistable and you know it" he winked.

"You didn't even shove her off" I groaned

"As I said girls these days can't keep their hands off me" he smiled

I playfully nudged him in the stomach and he groaned.

We strolled into the restaurant scanning around to see if we could see my brothers and his friends. We finally found them after five minutes of looking around -for these idiots-we made our way over to the 12 seated table

"Hey guys" I smiled, Cameron glared at me

"What are you doing in that?" he questioned.

"See I told you so" Calum laughed putting his hands behind his head.I glared at him, hitting him upside the head.

"Listen. These are my clothes not yours, it seems to be you who always has a problem with my outfit" I growled angrily.

"Well the reason I have a problem is because boys will be looking at you like this" he said pointing to Kyle staring at me

"And this" he continued pointing at a waiter with short brown hair, he just winked at me. I rolled my eyes at him and took a seat.

At the table there was : Cameron, Calum, Austin, Luke, Keiran, Sam, Kian, Jacob, Logan & Grayson .

I pulled out a seat next to Kyle which was the only free seat left, Kyle was on my left and Sam, Austin's friend was on my right. I don't really know Sam but he seems like a really nice guy. I found out quite a lot about him, I was right he is a really nice guy.

A brunette with blonde highlights came over to our table. "Hey, I'm Allysa and I'll be your waiter tonight" she greeted cheerfully.

"Hey, can I have cheesy fries with BBQ wings please" I spoke giving her a warm smile."Yeah, sure would you like a drink with that?" she asked noting it all down

"Yes, OJ please" I added. "Okay so what about you" she asked indicating to Sam

"Can I get a job application" which caused all of the table to snicker, including Allysa.

After all of our orders were noted she power walked back into kitchen. We all went into our own conversations until Kian asked

"So, you single?" he grinned wiggling his eyebrows. Kyle put his hand protectively on my thigh and started to rub his thumb in circular motions.

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